Thursday, January 10, 2013

ADHD.. *yawn...

So here is a quirky observation that may just confirm medical break thrus or reveal something about them.. but I have worked with children for many years and I have noticed a common thread with many ADHD children. When they are lovingly corrected, and they acknowledge the correction and try to change their behavior in that moment.. a common response is to yawn.

I know that sounds a little bizarre and quirky but.. you know me.. I am the queen of bizarre and quirky.. lol

But I have noticed the same reaction in the hyperactive dog that we now own. We have never had a small dog before.. but he is very belligerent and insistent upon certain behaviors or wants.. when I correct him or calmly but sternly say "no" when he is flirting around with certain disaster.. he often yawns.

It's almost like they take control of something inside themselves and flip a switch to turn off some certain behavior.. and that stress or release of stress that allows them to do that reveals itself in the form of a yawn. I am no medical expert.. but perhaps there is some link or key to ADHD that is associated with the part of the brain that is affected by sleep or boredom or whatever it is that inspires a person to yawn.

I don't know what I am saying.. it was just an observation that I have noticed through the years that kind of culminated in an ah-ha moment of sorts tonight.. so yeah, I will leave it to the analytical minds out there to make a connection of some form to help treat or cure ADHD without drugs.. maybe thru some form of sleep manipulation.

So there you go.. chew on that one =)

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