Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's pretty incredible how that Pharisee thing still thrives in the lives of Christians.. more times than not when ppl can't deal with the truth, they resort to discrediting those who speak it. It's kinda human nature to do it, we have all been guilty of it to some degree whether we realize it or not, whether we admit it or not..  

The key to correct/prevent such error and sin is to guard yourself by measuring your motives to the Word of God and in prayer as you invite the Holy Spirit to keep you from lying to yourself about it.

The hard part is standing your ground in matters of Truth, when someone else is tripping over that stumbling block of arrogance or selfish ambition.. Either way, can be a challenge, whether seeing the arrogance and failure within ourselves or being attacked by others in our  life who can't deal with Truth.. In both cases.. love must be our guide.. whether in times of peace or in times of war.. the focus is getting everyone involved to that place of peace with God and Man.

Sadly, not everyone wants to go there.. or is ready to go there.. and great patience is required.. sometimes discipline.. and sometimes shaking the dust off your shoes of peace.. and letting them go with God to work out their own salvation. There is a savior and we're not him..

But if God, in his great mercy and wisdom, chooses to reach thru us to manifest himself in the lives of others.. we better be ready to humble ourselves and set aside any plans (or understanding or assumptions)  we may have had in the matter.. The plan of God in every life is first and foremost.. and the only way to walk that out is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit every moment and in every breath we take. Because he doesn’t use a cookie cutter in our lives.. people are different from one another in many ways.. and we can’t judge the path others are to walk because we do not have the mind of God.

We are sheep and can only follow his leading,

We are children and can only look to the Father to teach us,

We are the Bride, the weaker vessel, and must submit ourselves to the Bridegroom
trusting his great love for us and that he works all not just for our good..

but for the good of all who call upon his name  <3

Monday, November 18, 2013

One Heart, One Mind, One Spirit

I minored in Religious Studies at a secular university... I remember the prof describing how Muslims mock Christians for so many denoms and their inability to unite in their faith... was absolute truth back in the day... 

But as the issue of denoms has decreased that division still remains because sin and arrogance remain... selfish ambition and false humility prevent us as the Church from a spirit of unity as one body of believers..

A charter school is in the news for closing their Christmas Shoebox outreach after threats of a lawsuit... I wondered how the public could stand by and say how sad it was as they do nothing... then I wondered how to implement an alternative thru the church to protect the childrens right to participate in such acts of compassion and community this Christmas...

But the truth of the matter is that the many churches of our faith are too divided... its too big an issue as to who gets credit for what or who gets to call the shots or whatever... and we fail to be a Light... our inability to come together and to yeild authority and credit to one another is one of our biggest failures as the church in America. We are eat up with false humility and selfish ambition, and we remain divided and limited and failing.

I pray a group of believers would rise up whose heart would be unity among the many denoms and churches of our faith. Announcing projects and outreach at each one, contacts and coordinators representing specific churches inviting fellow believers to promote and participate as one. Touting such a group as THE LOVE OF CHRIST effort or something like that... linked to a list and info on all churches in our community.

Its not really govts job to be the love of Christ... its ours as the church.. it is govts job to protect our right to set a standard in our community and nation. Every church has its area of strength... and each has its weaknesses... if we could become passionate and diligent in operating as one with Christ at the helm of it all... what great things we could accomplish in the name of love and as a model of true humility ruled by a bond of peace and unity for the glory of God.

Somethings gotta change if we are to fulfill the call he has placed upon us as his church.. as ONE. An entire mindset of who our loyalties lie with and our priorities in living out those loyalties.

The scattering of so many youth groups/ministries starting about ten years ago was a blatant attack of hell against a generation.. but as those teens are young adults now and entering positions of authority as believers as parents and active members of community and church leaders.. they know and love one another across denom lines... even tho their fellowship was shattered beyond their control... they have the greatest spirits of unity and love as one in Christ than has been seen since the days of the disciples... they know each other and maintain relationship tho scattered among so many different churches now.. their hearts are to reach out to all in need or who are hurting.. to share the Good News and Love of Christ with others.

I believe God will use them to bring good from the shattering and attack of the past ten years. The enemy thought he blasted them with a deathblow... but I believe God is about to multiply them like starfish on the beach and the stars in the heavens... not in one church... but many churches as parts of ONE body of believers. If you are among that group of believers, of twenty somethings, be listening for God to speak about joining hearts and hands with outreach among several churches, bearing with one anothers differences, challenging one another in the foundations of our faith in love, and letting each work out their own salvation, what their peronal walk will look like... judging the truth of the Gospel they share but not how God leads them to walk it out...

I am excited... God has fought in the spiritual during these storms as hell challenged the right to bring us harm... something has been established... God has declared a great outpouring in the heavens... and he is looking for those in his church who will declare it in the earth. A great victory.. equipping.. its already done.. he has already made you able and prepared all this night... you just need to open ur right hand and receive it.

Its like there is a line in the sand... and God is just daring the enemy to even think about messing with what he is about to pour out upon this fresh and purpose filled group of leaders. The picture I am seeing is like huge buff angels, as big as mountains, standing on this side of the line but peering over it with cold yet fiery stares at the enemy.. snorting almost like bulls... God is making a generation ready to war in the heavenlies like none other... a revival that will accelerate exponentially.. if you commit to his word.. he will guard you... if you love like he loves.. he will use you. Its time for you to lead, and that begins by serving.

Consider what God has been turning over in your heart lately... then ask him what he wants you to do. And do it... no matter how huge or how small.. he will be with you and will guide you. Such a call is much... it will require things of you... SURRENDER ALL... and then you will witness the salvation of our God 

Not just salvation in our own lives... but in the lives of others, of whole families, of whole communities, of whole nations, of the world... that is the power of the salvation of our God 

"Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known." Jeremiah 33:3 (ESV)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Where is the King?

~ Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart is torn in pieces
It's my offering

Truth is I'm tired
Options are few
I'm trying to pray
But where are you?
I'm all churched out...
Hurt and abused
I can't fake
What's left to do?

Truth is I'm weak
No strength to fight
No tears to cry
Even if I tried
But still my soul
Refuses to die
One touch will change my life

Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart's torn in pieces
It's my offering

Lay me at the throne
Leave me there alone
To gaze upon Your glory
And sing to You this song
Please take me to the King

Truth is it's time
To stop playing these games
We need a word
For the people's pain

So Lord speak right now
Let it fall like rain
oh, yeah, We're desperate
We're chasing after you

No rules, no religion
I've made my decision
To run to You –
The healer that I need

Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart's torn to pieces
It's my offering

Lay me at the throne
Leave me there alone
To gaze upon Your glory
And to sing to You this song

Take me to the...

Lord we're in the way
We keep making mistakes
Glory is not for us
It's all for You

Take me to the King
I don't have much to bring
My heart's torn to pieces
It's my offering

Lay me at the throne
Leave me there alone
To gaze upon Your glory
And sing to You this song

(songwriter: Kirk Franklin)

~ So much that the Lord has been speaking about the Cross.. leading us to petition him to draw us nearer to his precious bleeding side..

Take me to the King..

We cannot fathom the power of our King upon his throne,
until we understand and fully gaze upon our King upon the cross.

Do you get it?
All that he has been speaking about the cross?
The power of our King....
The power of the cross.
The authority of his throne...

It's just such a beautiful thing...
Get ready cuz as the church glimpses what the Spirit is speaking in this, healing is going to come in like a flood.
I love love love how present and active the Lord is right now,
No wonder there are storms swirling in the heavens,
There is warring in spiritual places,
As God hears your cry and is fighting for you.

He has not forgotten you.
Be strong.
Press into his presence
in whatever way his Spirit is drawing you <3

~ a note I sent to a friend after our conversation this morning in the cafe after church...
"Michelle, remember the part I asked you to repeat this morning as you were sharing some things with me.. it was a key peice to understanding what God has been speaking on so many levels lately about the cross.. on the way home from church I was listening to this song, and a light went on.. and everything swirling around in my spirit fell into place as I remembered what you said.. about having to see one thing to fully understand the power of another.. God is so incredible how he speaks to several and brings it together to form a whole.. to make us whole.. as individuals.. and as the church.. good good stuff."

 ~ The word to the broken..

"See the King upon the Cross.
See the King upon his Throne.

Know the Power of our God.
Surrender all.
Rise and be healed."

~ Logic would say that you must first be healed before you can stand up..
but not so with God.. not so with faith.. not so with miracles..

In every case in Scripture.. the command was RISE.. and then WALK.
You must stand in the strength and faith that God imparts to you,
in your brokenness... and then..
you will WALK in the fullness of your healing.

Whether physical healing, emotional, or whatever..
That standing, that rising up.. in your brokenness, despite the fear, despite the pain or difficulty, despite anything and everything that tries to discourage you or that tells you you can't..

RISE, in your brokenness.. and as you WALK it out, you will know the fullness of being made whole

Luke 5:23
Whether is easier, to say, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, RISE UP AND WALK?

John 5:8
Jesus saith unto him, RISE, TAKE UP THY BED, AND WALK.

Acts 3:6
Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth RISE UP AND WALK.


Friday, November 15, 2013

Say it...

Have we failed in many ways?...
What is it that we deserve...
How can we repay what is beyond our poverty..
Who would want us now..
What worth is there in a fallen creation..
What beauty in the ugliness of our sin..
the arrogance of our rebellion..
the bad choices we made in our selfishness..

And yet.. God has not given up on us..
He has not abandoned us..
He refuses to walk away..
He reaches out with miracles in mind..
with love and tender mercies..
with plans of healing and undeserved grace
to restore our joy..


He is calling in the darkness..
Above the roar of the storm..
Despite our weakness and inability to hold on..
He is saying your name..
Speaking the truth..
Imparting hope and encouragement and strength..


The Wings of the morning are on the horizon..
The Light is dissipating the clouds..
Calming the winds..
Stilling the deep water..
And his hand is reaching out..
to you.

He will not relent.
He will not give up on you.
Speak his name.
Say it..
"I am here Lord...
And there is nothing I want more than you."

yes.. apologize.

The church has made everything a party or about fun filled fellowship.. as they have removed the altar from the church and cancelled wed night meetings...

It's as though we no longer order our lives around such things with God as center..
And have made our lives center, and ordered the things of God around it.


No wonder we are a generation of the church who reject anything that doesn't make us feel positive and the center of attention...

Sometimes offense isn't about what a person says or how they said it.. sometimes offense is about the truth in what they said.. 

Some of the things that I have been most offended by have come from the mouth of my children.. because it wasn't so much what they said or the sarcasm and rebellion they spoke it in.. but it was the truth in what they said.

The Spirit of Truth holds such things up so that we cannot escape the convicting pull upon our hearts.. the ill motive of what someone says doesn't undo the cleansing that might be necessary in our own hearts.

Sometimes it is merely condemnation that hell wants to put upon us..
but sometimes it is something God has already been dealing with us to change..

Let each man work out his own salvation..
And be careful not to judge others in matters that God is guiding them to or leading them thru 

I remember when my children were little.. and the motive of one of them was clearly sin so they were being made to apologize when they didn't want to.. and they blurted out in anger, "but YOU never have to apologize!"

That parental, authority figure, pharisee thing tried to rear it's ugly head in denial cuz it had become habit to think, I'm the parent, I'm usually right, God told me to lead, this child is merely trying to rebel.. but the Holy Spirit just quietly and lovingly held it up for me to see more clearly, to see past my pride, past my arrogance, past my offense... and as I stared at it in a moment of silence, I chose to embrace what the Spirit of Truth was saying.

I knew there were many times when I had told my children I was sorry.. when I failed to handle things correctly or with right motive.. but as I thought on it, I realized that there were more times than not that I failed to say I was sorry to them when I should have.. I should have stepped out of that role of the authority figure, no matter how exhausted, no matter how stressed, no matter how busy.. and humbled myself and asked their forgiveness and gave them room to choose to forgive me. As parents we get so caught up in leading our children and caring for the family sometimes that we fail to be consistent in treating them with the same courtesy that we require they treat others with. Or we just go on as though they don't need to hear an apology every time, as tho it's not important. But it is.

I remember being in a Bible Study once and during prayer at the end our pastor who was leading it said that he was going thru some things and just needed prayer tho he gave no specifics. He asked for us to gather around him as he knelt in the floor and humbled himself to receive prayer from those whom he was leading. I was overwhelmed at the mere gesture, the thought that my prayers could carry such weight in his heart and mind, this man that mentored me and that I had such great respect for.. that he would kneel and ask us as new believers to pray for him, such a great man of God.

Being raised Roman Catholic by a strict military father, with such a respect for authority ground into me so deeply.. the experience fashioned a big part of my character as a young believer that I have carried in my heart.. no matter how great a leader/teacher you ever become.. you will reflect Christ the most when you humble yourself not only to God first, but also to those you teach and lead. It was so powerful in my life. And I have learned that it is a rare treasure to encounter such leaders.. but when you run across one, with all their imperfection that is humanity, that authentic glimpse of Christ changes you and moves you to seek to follow their example, to be like Christ.

The experience with my child brought all that back.. and it changed me.. the Lord used it more as a learning and maturing lesson for me than a rebuke or discipline over bad behavior. It made me a better parent, a better teacher, a better person, as it compelled me to be more consistent in being quick to apologize when I have wronged someone. And I pray that seeing the change in me, changed my children, and the many children I have taught in church and educational settings. To be unafraid to stand for truth and what is right, and yet unafraid to humble themselves and apologize when they have wronged someone as well.

Ppl seldom apologize these days.. they so often mumble words of sorrow that pop in their head.. like a reflex reaction rooted in memories from grade school or that mom made you say.. but to truly be moved over the wrong you committed or the hurt you have caused is such a rare thing. We as leaders (parents, teachers, older siblings, pastors, officials, peers, friends, etc)... fail to realize the weight that a genuine heart-felt apology carries when someone receives it from an authority figure who mis-steps along the way.

Talk about discipling and training a generation...
Talk about leading by example..

Talk about it..
but it's so much more effective when you actually do it.

DON'T APOLOGIZE as a knee jerk response to be polite, cuz then it cheapens authenticity.. but if and when the Spirit of God turns the light on and the sight of yourself or something you've done begins to bring Godly conviction..

heart to heart
friend to friend

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tailor Made for the Mark

Just thinking this morning about how tailor made Obamacare is for hackers to steal identities and bank accounts and such... Flashed back to thoughts about the mark discussed in Revelations that is commonly believed to be connected to microchips implanted in ppl and used to buy and sell with scanners...

What a remarkable turn of events... the unlocking of private and financial info... the panic... the need for a more secure system... the open door to jolt the ride forward and convince ppl to put their right hand on the table and willingly/enthusiastically accept such a security measure to protect their money and assets..

Obamacare... not just the launch of forced govt healthcare.. and socialism... but a conditioning to prepare the world for the mark God warned us about... so much so.. so cleverly strategized... that ppl will clamor to get the chip to buy and sell and survive... to feed their children.. to get healthcare for their family..

This battle is in the physical world around us... but it is over the salvation of mens eternal souls in the spiritual.. an assault by powers and principalties in heavenly/spiritual realms...

But God fights for us... and has empowered us to fight in the physical against forces in the spiritual.. he said what we declare in this world would be done in the heavens... he said to ask anything in his name and he will fulfill it in heaven and on earth.. this is a war... but we are not defenseless...nor are we alone or without hope... fight with the greatest weapon that God has placed at our disposal.. that which cost him much.. to give us the right to petition the Almighty God of the Universe.. as his children calling upon their daddy for help...


Monday, November 11, 2013

A Time to Judge and A Time to Judge Not

Scripture wasn't written with the divisions found in our Bibles today.. the chapters and topics between them often run together, which is why it's so important when studying one chapter to also study the ones before and after to get the meaning in context..

Someone was posting about not judging recently in their teaching and I got to wondering the context.. because there is so much confusion about passages that say not to judge and yet others that say to judge rightly and with righteous judgement..

I looked it up and it was in Matt 7.. which after some exploring of the Word I found that it falls in the center of the Sermon of the Mount.. the Sermon begins with Chap 5 and concludes at the end of Chap 7. I found it interesting because in it, Jesus is teaching on a myriad of relevent issues that come up in every life as we try to work out our own salvation. (Phil 2)

(Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.)

It's as though he teaches key things that God says to keep in mind so that you can deal with those things according to the will of God.. and yet, he leaves room for the details according to our free will and the differing personalities that he designed in each of us. In other words, he gives guidelines.. including the Lord's Prayer.

So it seems glaringly evident how grossly misused this passage has become by Christian and Secular voices often times. He is saying that each of us should not judge how the other is working out their salvation in each of these issues as long as they are in submission to the authority of Jesus Christ and sincerely building upon the foundations set in the Bible as a whole. Basically the foundation of God's truth is the same for all of us.. but how we build upon it.. and how different our lives look from one another may be huge. But God says don't look at how different someone else is from you.. or how different their life is from yours.. or how they are walking out their salvation as long as their salvation is rooted in Jesus Christ and his teachings.. Judge not in such cases.

There are times when we are to judge what foundation they are building on.. and to respond according to Scripture in such instances. But the working out of our salvation is a very personal thing as God orders our steps and our heart, as a constant work of messiness on the road to perfection. God says to not let ppl judge you according to when you celebrate the Sabbath.. just be sure you celebrate it. That is a foundation rooted in God.. and yet with the individual and intimate workings of a personal relationship with that same God. There is no sin in such cases.. that is just one example.

The point is that we need to be careful how we judge and when we make a judgement call.. AND YET, when we fail to judge something that God is saying is right and necessary to judge.

Many times we judge based on opinion or the gossip in our circle, whether among family or friends or leadership or work.. whatever circle of peers that we put most of our confidence in.. but it always results in error in such instances, when we put our confidence in those ppl we admire and respect more than in God and his Word and how he says to approach life. Seek wise counsel.. but ALWAYS TAKE IT BACK TO THE WORD AND PRAYER.

And almost always when you do that God will direct you to apporach that person and build relationship, seek to understand their heart, earn the right to be a voice in their life, and as that voice DON'T DICTATE.. rather seek out ways to teach and put things on the table for them to consider.. what they pick up is between them and God. It's not our job to convict anyone.. it's our job to put the truth on the table, to love ppl like Christ loves them (which includes discipline at times, love is always coupled with discipline as that doube-edged sword of God), to encourage them to consider whatever God has put in our heart to share with them.. and then it's up to them to pick up what God compels them to pick up and how they choose to live out their walk with him.

There is a time to judge and a time to judge not.. as in all truth in Scripture...

(MATT 5)
The Beatitudes
Salt and Light
Christ Came to Fulfill the Law
Love Your Enemies

(MATT 6)
Giving to the Needy
The Lord's Prayer
Do Not Be Anxious

(MATT 7)
Judging Others
Ask, and It Will Be Given
The Golden Rule
A Tree and Its Fruit
I Never Knew You
Build Your House on the Rock
The Authority of Jesus

Friday, November 8, 2013

Forgiveness is..

"Grace means that there is nothing that we can do to make God love us more.. 
and Grace means that there is nothing that we can do to make God love us less."
Alistair Begg

~ This is such a true statement and reason why we can pray for our enemies... it doesn't undo the hurt we feel, nor does it rush us past the anger.. but knowing that God loves them in their sin just as he loves us in ours is motivation and empowerment to forgive them and to sincerely pray for God's perfect will in every area of their life. Such a prayer accomplishes the greater good.. because we know that his perfect will is for them to repent of what they have done, feel genuine remorse before God, and change their heart so they never commit such a sin against anyone else.. or more importantly, against God. Such a work doesn't look the same in every life as ppl work out relationship or love from a distance.. but it must be our heart to love them either way because we know that God loves them as much as he loves us. Pray for your enemies ♥

~ Forgiveness is.. being able to sincerely pray this for your enemies.

~ Because when you pray with such sincerity.. you are face to face with God about it.. with all the ugliness involved, with the brokenness of your heart, with your temptations to act in the flesh.. and he will speak exactly what you need to hear.. and guide you in exactly what you need to do.. despite everyone involved and everyone watching and the many erroneous voices speaking with good intent.. and he will walk you thru disciplining yourself, responding to that person (who has sinned against you) in truth rather than for appearances sake.. and unlike so many in the church.. he will hold you as you cry thru the healing, and he will continue to hold you every time the scars begin to ache, and your hurt will never be a small thing to him. YOU love and forgive as God leads you in his strength.. not as ppl callously demand of you <3

This doesn't always look like what you expect.. sometimes it is puppies and sunshine when their repentance is genuine and they stop attacking you and your family. In such instances of genuine repentance.. great healing and miracles can occur for all involved.. but other times it requires love coupled with discipline. Specifically when ppl continue secretly in their sin and lie thru their repentance for years with much excuse and with no sign of true change. Especially in matters of adultery when one person continues to pursue the other person claiming all the while to be a Christian. I will forever continue to remind that person to stop sinning, I will love them with as much love as a father has as he disciplines his child.. which often comes across as harsh.. but I will not cease to stress to them.. "to go and sin no more.." as long as they continue in their sin.

Pray always. Love always. Forgive always. Discipline when necessary. Never give up on anyone no matter how evil they are. Always trust God and seek his direction in all things, consistently thru any process, great or small <3

Epitome of Success

~ Sometimes that mountain top culminates in death in this life while preserving LIFE in the next... suffering/poverty is not a marker of failure, nor is money and financial prosperity the marker of success... the only true marker of success is persevering in ur faith in Jesus Christ and leading others to do the same.. by the grace of God whether we walk thru continual suffering or struggle with fame and prosperity...

~ A good money handler is not the mark of a good ppl handler... do you not watch SHARKTANK?...

~ The widow with only two mites to offer... Lazarus being comforted by Abraham... the rich man in hell where his prosperity did nothing for him... the rich young ruler who walked away from Christ in confusion that his prosperity and religious behavior werent enough to please God...

Success is never rooted in the money/career that you have or dont have... neither is that truth an excuse to be lazy or sloppy or to lack diligence... do all as unto the Lord.

~ How hard you work or the career you have built are not to ur credit.. God pours his gifts and talents into our lives and brings the increase according to our obedience as he leads us to give it away, to invest it in the kingdom.. according to his wisdom and his mercy and the fullfillment of the salvation of every soul that calls upon the name of Jesus.... pleasing God in all that we do is the only thing we can boast about.. and even that, is rooted in Gods love and mercy and glory... the mere privilege to love him and approach him and serve him and please him... with all humility, genuinely thankful... that is the epitome of authentic success.

~ Also concerning money..
Keep in mind that it's not a matter of having to give it all away.. it's a matter of HOW GOD GUIDES US to give it away.. investing in the right ways to increase the amount to give away.. giving wisely and yet generously as he leads.. saying no to requests made of us that he has not given us peace about.. obeying his commands concerning money, work ethic, and serving others. It's not always about money.. success is about investing in the lives of others for the glory of God.

~ When ppl ask me to give a dollar for every cause under the sun when I am running to the store or out and about.. I have no trouble saying no and usually do.. but I couple it with a thank you.. because I see giving as an opportunity and I am thankful that they gave me the opportunity to give.

At the same time.. I might tip generously.. not knowing if my waiter or waitress saw us pray before our meal or not, which is our habit whether in public or in private, whether with a glass of wine at dinner or water.. or I might send off money in the mail or in a card.. or hand it off and walk away.. when a need is made apparent..

If God puts it in my heart to give.. then it's gone. ...
If he doesn't.. I wait and invest it in something else.

I think if we could move our mindset to the fact that we are never really spending.. we are investing.. that every dollar we shell out is investing in whatever we buy, the reason we buy it, and the source that made it available to buy.. we would prove to be wiser stewards of the money God passes thru our hands.

~ That doesn't mean that we invest only in Christian things or Christian ppl or Christian businesses.. on the contrary.. our investments should be more rooted in the unsaved and those who are in need.. as the Gospel is furthered.. while not neglecting those of the household of faith. And always coupled with a prayer in our heart over our investments.. and a listening for the Spirit of God to tell us when to speak as we invest and when to be silent as part of that conspiracty of kindness.

~ Ppl say to marry the first time for love, and then marry the second time for money..


A world of factors that are out of your control can rob you of that money and shatter your marriage once it is gone.....

But if you marry for love.. God is love.. and he gives you great sway in whether your marriage succeeds.. he gives you the power to choose to love.. no matter what you face, no matter the sin that assaults you, no matter how many voices try to tell you to quit..

He guards your right to choose to continue to love..
And that is a powerful force to guard something so sacred as marriage.

Marry for love.

Monday, November 4, 2013

He hears you.

Hell does not control the events of this world.. evil men make evil choices that affect the lives of those whose lives touch theirs.. but they are not the only ones who get to weigh in.. we as believers get to have a say.. we have a voice before the most supreme leader above all other leaders, Father God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.. because Jesus Christ gave us the power and authority to approach him and make our requests known.. but what power is there when we fail to ask.. what power when we fail to risk and to believe that he is who he says he is.. that he will do what he says he will do..

the KING OF KINGS takes all into account to accomplish the greatest good for each of us concerned.. our requests get to weigh in and carry alot of weight with him. Sometimes in accomplishing the greatest good as he fights for us requires that we walk thru suffering whether deserved or not deserved on our part.. sometimes we are asked to be like him and to sacrifice our rights for a time until he sets all things right and in order.. but sometimes.. he steps down from his throne and reaches into our situation and grants us things so much greater than we asked or expected...

We must trust his wisdom in all things.. no matter the outcome.. no matter the pain.. no matter the joy.. no matter what we do or don't understand. He keeps his promises, and as we lay bleeding, or we close our eyes in death, or we stand on the mountain top in victory.. whatever the outcome.. we can know that our voice was heard.. and it was heard because he loves us.. and when all is said and done, when Truth is revealed in all it's fullness some day.. we will be at peace and satisfied and in awe at how God handled every facet of our pain and our joy.

I cry.. I ask him alot of questions.. but I will always trust him <3

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ignite the Equipping

~ The sixth year has started and you can feel a stirring in the hearts of believers and of our nation... "things that men must do"... a zeal, a spark, a calling upon of the Almighty God, and one by one a standing to their feet... the Church, Doers of the word and will of Christ, as well as hearers.. as well as hands and feet and voices in all the earth..

No idea what its gonna look like... but God's anointing is being released, an empowering that will ignite the equipping of the past five years.. there is a quiet pause in the heavens.. and yet a wind is stirring the deadest of leaves.. God is alive, his ppl are alive.. Stand up! Stand up <3

~ In most circles that believe in spiritual/prophetic gifts that we all have access to.. it is commonly said that things that happen in the personal life of the prophetic will often spill over into things God is speaking to the church.. not all.. but God will make it clear if we seek him.. God spoke this to me one day earlier this year, and so I journaled it in my blog.. and he keeps bringing me back to it.
~ You can study such things in Scripture, there are tons of examples of this, but the one that is most prominent, is Hosea, when he was commanded to marry a whore.. which was detestable.. and yet.. it opened the door to much insight of the things God was needing to say and teach.. these days, men are bigger whores than women, tho there are definitely women whores in the church breaking up families and keeping the secret sins of men.. merely hell, that has come "to steal, and to kill, and to destroy".. it's nothing new.. but there are still things God would speak thru the heartache and loss of such things.. our nation and the world is a scattered flock of broken relationships and selfishness.. but Christ has come "come that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly.." Often times healing doesn't come until the next LIFE, but someone said something in A KNIGHTS TALE that has stuck with me so strongly.. I love God "with all the pieces of my broken heart" and nothing will ever change that... hell will NOT WIN.. and God WILL restore and heal in his time. For now, there is a race to win

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pastor Ken Hutcherson

absolute, incredible Truth <3



Watching the above link, the message on John 14. Ironically, one of my favorite passages of Scripture and the current post on Pastor Hutcherson's page of teaching... the first time I have heard of him.. first time I have been to his Church's site.. the first time I have heard him teach..

God led me here today <3

Feeding the Hungry

a friend posted..

"I went to Greenville to help unload the Shared Harvest semi truck at the GRCC food bank which is also the distribution point for all of the Darke County food banks and the backpack programs. There were many volunteers, many of them older folks, but we managed to unload 12,000 pounds of food for our hungry neighbors. I personally touched each piece....SIX TONS. Then we drove down to Castine to put the turkeys in the freezers. If you've never volunteered or donated to a foodbank please consider it. If we are truly the hands and feet of Jesus in this world then many of us need to get up and walk. I am The Dude With the Food and I like serving others."

my thoughts..

~ That's awesome.. feeding those in need is dear to my heart, every church should have a ministry or be closely associated with ministry that provides food and clothes to ppl truly in need. You're awesome Mister Dude!

~ This is the one ministry that our church lacks.. ministering to the poor.. you can't just throw money at it.. or help on holidays.. it should be in the forefront of ministry opportunities, imo.. but that's just me talking.. I just commented about this to my daughter yesterday.. her response was seasoned with so much wisdom as usual: Maybe you're there to start an outreach. I would have no idea how to go about such a thing, and have a bag full of excuses, but am praying for God to point the way if it's something I am to do. Am watching and listening. You're post was encouragement to me today.

~ As a kid, I remember our family being at a very low point after my mother's death, my dad was a young soldier trying to support four small children ages 5-9yrs old.. never knew what church left it, but a food box showed up on our doorstep a couple times. It was a huge blessing. I went to bed hungry on more than one occasion as a child. The great thing is that we scoured our cabinets to find four cans of food for us to take to sunday school in the weeks prior to the delivery of the food boxes.. it was difficult giving up those four cans, but my dad never questioned it.. he always had a heart to give and to help others (one thing the Catholic church engrained in his character, as well as the hardships in life that God led our family thru). We gave out of our want, and received an abundance. God keeps his word, and he uses ppl like you as his hands and feet. Kudos and hugs and love to all those who feed the hungry. Not everyone is a lazy wretch asking for a handout.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


LINKS: News and Govt

(I have not studied all these sites/voices in depth, but they have made strong statements that contain truth to some degree, imo. Listen and decide what you discern as God's Truth in what they teach.)

Pastor Ken Hutcherson
Antioch Baptist Church

Dr. James David Manning
The Manning Report
ATLAH (All The Land Anointed Holy)

Glenn Beck/ The Blaze

The Federalish Papers
Admin:  Steve Straub
Admin:  Bill Bailey

CBN: Christian Broadcasting Network
700 Club/ Newswatch/ Pat Robertson

Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
email: www.mail.house.gov/blackburn
phone: 202-225-2811

Sarah Palin

Army Times

Silence is Consent

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)
email: ted@tedcruz.org
phone: 512-637-8777

AFA (American Family Association)
founded by Donald Wildmon
President: Tim Wildmon

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)

phone: 202-224-4343

LINKS: Bible Study

Bible Gateway
online Bible, desk references, devotions


David Wilkerson

Alistair Begg/ Truth for Life

Charles Spurgeon
Admin: Stephen McCaskell

LINKS: health and homemaking

Blessed In Homemaking
natural and organic, online store

In the Face of Darkness

What's a Christian to do having to face so much darkness in the world?...

Be strong in the Lord (get your head right, make up your mind, commit).
Put on the WHOLE armor of God (equip the internal man, and don't fear what can be done to the outside man).

After you have done all you can, 
Trust in that Armor and the God who covers you when you wear it.

Let your gut be ruled by TRUTH, a clean conscience.
Let your love for what is RIGHTEOUS (the will of God) be your breastplate.
Let every step you take be ordained by God, and
for the purpose of PEACE between God and Man (the mission of Christ).

SHIELD yourself from the Lust and Passions the enemy fires at you,
hold firmly to who Christ is and all that he said to resist and to flee from. Be self-controlled and deny the desires and cravings of the flesh.

Wear the Helmet of SALVATION, knowing that the Blood and Work of Christ is what protects you from a blow to the head, the death blow. No other god ensures LIFE except Jesus Christ, all other gods are eternal death.

Carry the SWORD of the Spirit, which shall proceed from your mouth just as it is prophesied in Revelation as coming from the mouth of Christ when he returns to the earth.. the WORD OF GOD, carrying all authority in heaven and in earth and under the earth.

PRAYING at all times in the Spirit, communing and communicating and conversating (yes, conversating) with God, being led by his Spirit in all things. Checking yourself, checking with him, checking everything he brings your attention to that needs checking)... be discerning, which only comes thru prayer and the fear (respect) of the Lord.

PAY ATTENTION.. all the time.. no matter how long it takes for the Lord to return, no matter how many generation, no matter how tiring the war or exhausting the wait. Be watching, Be equipped, Be ready.

INTERCEDE in prayer and fasting (supplication) for ALL THE SAINTS (then and now and to come)... that the GOOD NEWS, the GREAT COMMISSION, would be boldly preached in all the earth, even by those persecuted or threatened with physical or daily death. Never forget that you have a family, that this is a team effort, that Christ loves and came for ALL who call upon his name.

Walk in Love

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), 10 and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. 12 For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. 13 But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, 14 for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,

“Awake, O sleeper,
    and arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”

15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, 19 addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, 20 giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, 21 submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Wives and Husbands

22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit in everything to their husbands.

25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, 26 that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, 27 so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.[a] 28 In the same wayhusbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, 30 because we are members of his body.31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.”32 This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. 33 However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.

Children and Parents

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Bondservants and Masters

Bondservants,[b] obey your earthly masters[c] with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart, as you would Christ, not by the way of eye-service, as people-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart,rendering service with a good will as to the Lord and not to man, knowing that whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a bondservant[d] or is free. Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master[e] and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him.

The Whole Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evilin the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. 14 Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.16 In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;17 and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, 18 praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, 19 and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.

Final Greetings

21 So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. 22 I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts.

23 Peace be to the brothers,[f] and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24 Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.