Monday, November 4, 2013

He hears you.

Hell does not control the events of this world.. evil men make evil choices that affect the lives of those whose lives touch theirs.. but they are not the only ones who get to weigh in.. we as believers get to have a say.. we have a voice before the most supreme leader above all other leaders, Father God, Creator of Heaven and Earth.. because Jesus Christ gave us the power and authority to approach him and make our requests known.. but what power is there when we fail to ask.. what power when we fail to risk and to believe that he is who he says he is.. that he will do what he says he will do..

the KING OF KINGS takes all into account to accomplish the greatest good for each of us concerned.. our requests get to weigh in and carry alot of weight with him. Sometimes in accomplishing the greatest good as he fights for us requires that we walk thru suffering whether deserved or not deserved on our part.. sometimes we are asked to be like him and to sacrifice our rights for a time until he sets all things right and in order.. but sometimes.. he steps down from his throne and reaches into our situation and grants us things so much greater than we asked or expected...

We must trust his wisdom in all things.. no matter the outcome.. no matter the pain.. no matter the joy.. no matter what we do or don't understand. He keeps his promises, and as we lay bleeding, or we close our eyes in death, or we stand on the mountain top in victory.. whatever the outcome.. we can know that our voice was heard.. and it was heard because he loves us.. and when all is said and done, when Truth is revealed in all it's fullness some day.. we will be at peace and satisfied and in awe at how God handled every facet of our pain and our joy.

I cry.. I ask him alot of questions.. but I will always trust him <3

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