Tuesday, November 26, 2013


It's pretty incredible how that Pharisee thing still thrives in the lives of Christians.. more times than not when ppl can't deal with the truth, they resort to discrediting those who speak it. It's kinda human nature to do it, we have all been guilty of it to some degree whether we realize it or not, whether we admit it or not..  

The key to correct/prevent such error and sin is to guard yourself by measuring your motives to the Word of God and in prayer as you invite the Holy Spirit to keep you from lying to yourself about it.

The hard part is standing your ground in matters of Truth, when someone else is tripping over that stumbling block of arrogance or selfish ambition.. Either way, can be a challenge, whether seeing the arrogance and failure within ourselves or being attacked by others in our  life who can't deal with Truth.. In both cases.. love must be our guide.. whether in times of peace or in times of war.. the focus is getting everyone involved to that place of peace with God and Man.

Sadly, not everyone wants to go there.. or is ready to go there.. and great patience is required.. sometimes discipline.. and sometimes shaking the dust off your shoes of peace.. and letting them go with God to work out their own salvation. There is a savior and we're not him..

But if God, in his great mercy and wisdom, chooses to reach thru us to manifest himself in the lives of others.. we better be ready to humble ourselves and set aside any plans (or understanding or assumptions)  we may have had in the matter.. The plan of God in every life is first and foremost.. and the only way to walk that out is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit every moment and in every breath we take. Because he doesn’t use a cookie cutter in our lives.. people are different from one another in many ways.. and we can’t judge the path others are to walk because we do not have the mind of God.

We are sheep and can only follow his leading,

We are children and can only look to the Father to teach us,

We are the Bride, the weaker vessel, and must submit ourselves to the Bridegroom
trusting his great love for us and that he works all not just for our good..

but for the good of all who call upon his name  <3

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