Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Ignite the Equipping

~ The sixth year has started and you can feel a stirring in the hearts of believers and of our nation... "things that men must do"... a zeal, a spark, a calling upon of the Almighty God, and one by one a standing to their feet... the Church, Doers of the word and will of Christ, as well as hearers.. as well as hands and feet and voices in all the earth..

No idea what its gonna look like... but God's anointing is being released, an empowering that will ignite the equipping of the past five years.. there is a quiet pause in the heavens.. and yet a wind is stirring the deadest of leaves.. God is alive, his ppl are alive.. Stand up! Stand up <3

~ In most circles that believe in spiritual/prophetic gifts that we all have access to.. it is commonly said that things that happen in the personal life of the prophetic will often spill over into things God is speaking to the church.. not all.. but God will make it clear if we seek him.. God spoke this to me one day earlier this year, and so I journaled it in my blog.. and he keeps bringing me back to it.
~ You can study such things in Scripture, there are tons of examples of this, but the one that is most prominent, is Hosea, when he was commanded to marry a whore.. which was detestable.. and yet.. it opened the door to much insight of the things God was needing to say and teach.. these days, men are bigger whores than women, tho there are definitely women whores in the church breaking up families and keeping the secret sins of men.. merely hell, that has come "to steal, and to kill, and to destroy".. it's nothing new.. but there are still things God would speak thru the heartache and loss of such things.. our nation and the world is a scattered flock of broken relationships and selfishness.. but Christ has come "come that we might have life, and that we might have it more abundantly.." Often times healing doesn't come until the next LIFE, but someone said something in A KNIGHTS TALE that has stuck with me so strongly.. I love God "with all the pieces of my broken heart" and nothing will ever change that... hell will NOT WIN.. and God WILL restore and heal in his time. For now, there is a race to win

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