Wednesday, October 16, 2013

from late September

from late September..

~ There is a time to defend life when under attack.. and a time to yield to death if God should so direct.. MAIN THING is that there are no blanket rules.. there is only the life-style and discipline of being led by the Spirit of God in every instance, in every moment.

~ Being led by the Spirit only comes when we remain in constant fervent prayer to God, immersed and drenched by his Word spiritually and in our present physical lives.. wholeheartedly practicing repentance when we miss the mark, and constantly sacrificing self to make things right with God and Man to the best of our ability... it's the power of a made up mind to seek to do God's will rather than our own.. trusting in his perfection to lead, despite our imperfection to follow.

~ It only comes when we covenant to own it, and we keep moving forward in the doing of it.. no matter how it appears to others or ourselves.. accepting that we are all blind, and that we can only see thru Jesus Christ, who is the light, sent into this world to enlighten all of us living in the darkness of this world.

~ Demanding forgiveness when we have devastated the lives of others is the reaction of an arrogant spoiled child, a fat man wallowing in immaturity and selfishness..

True forgiveness is due only to those whose spirit is broken and contrite for the harm they have done, who are zealous to make things right not because of their embarrassment.. rather because they have no peace in their heart until th...ey are able to die to that part of themselves physically and spiritually..

The woman caught in the act of adultery is portrayed as a saint.. but the beauty and greatness of that passage was the love and mercy of Christ, not the touching of a bruise for warm fuzzies.. Last words are imperative things, and his last words to her were "Go and sin no more."

What happens if this saintly portrayed woman goes and sins some more for years or gloats in false humility for attention over her many sexual encounters.. she has disregarded her part in that covenant of forgiveness.. and what does God say is the end result of that saintly adulteress..

"9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God." (I Cor 6)

Which I find interesting that Christians can condemn the gays so harshly and yet wink at ppl who cheat, divorce, and stand at the altar as tho God is gonna bless them in their sin.

Do we believe the Word of God or not?'

~ Yes, forgiveness is offered to everyone.. but that offer comes with an agreement to change physically and spiritually.. otherwise, the offer is void.

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