Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Seasoned with Cinnamon

I started to say "at the risk of sounding foolish".. but it's not a big secret that much of what I say seems kinda crazy and foolish.. but I can do little but speak what God puts in my heart, and keep to myself what he tells me not to share.. here's a dream I had last night... with a WEIRDNESS WARNING, lol.

God speaks often thru things that we are unfamiliar with, and then we go and research it and it confirms exactly what he was saying thru other things in the same dream. Other times he takes things we saw that day or things we are very familiar with, so that we will understand what he is saying on a deeper level. One example that I give when teaching dreams and interpretations is that dogs mean different things to different ppl. Some think of them in a negative light, as dirty or scary. Other ppl think of them as loyal and protectors or cute and cuddly. What kind of dog it was, and what it was doing are also part of the puzzle.. but most impor...tantly is..

what does each symbol represent to the person having the dream or vision, what feelings did that thing evoke in you in that dream in that moment.

Because you are who God is talking to, and he is gonna talk in a way that best communicates what he wants you to understand (even if you have to go seek out an interpretation to confirm it). Some times ppl can miss the meaning of their own dream, but then God brings the interpretation and that person recognizes it as true or false because it agrees/disagrees with what God has put in their spirit. It can be a positive or negative interpretation.. but that person’s spirit will recognize it as truth either way… whether that truth brings peace or if it strikes fear into their heart.

So yeah..
I had a dream that contained some symbolism from the Sleepy Hollow thing last night.. but the symbols used are not what’s important.. what God was speaking and the direction he gave is what’s important.. And he was speaking to some things that I have been praying about and even petitioned him about in prayer before bed. Yes, some dreams mean nothing.. but for me, I usually know when it is one God wants me to ponder. He has done this since I was a kid, so I kinda recognize his voice most of the time.

So my husband and I are in a room that was our livingroom in the dream, but not our real one. We were sleeping on a couch, when Satan appeared in the room as a man with a teenage boy and a dog. I was afraid of him at the same time that I was angry, because I knew that he had come to harass me. My husband was dozing and didn’t see them. Satan was using this teen and this dog, but they weren’t cooperating with him well, and were keeping their distance from me, as tho they didn’t really know me but didn’t really wanna attack me cuz they thought I was a nice enuff person.. so Satan removed his mask in frustration and showed his demonic face. The boy and the dog disappeared in that moment. And the enemy got up in my face and was making some threats… I told him to leave in the name of Jesus.. which annoyed him but he wouldn’t go. I was terrified of the evil rolling off of him, but I was more angry.. so I continued to tell him to “Get Out, in the name of Jesus.”

My husband in real life woke me up, and said it was the first time that he could hear me yelling quite clearly in a dream. Usually it is mumbling, cuz I am so afraid that I can’t yell. But this time I was just so angry, that I still managed to get the words out in the dream.

I laid back down and the dream picked up right where it left off. The devil had hid himself so I couldn’t see him, but I could feel him in the room still. So I sat up and I started yelling for God to tell me what to do.. I was just so frustrated that Satan was ignoring the name and authority of Christ. I told God “You tell me what to do to make him leave, and I‘ll do it. I just don’t know what else to do.. What do you want me to do?!” Very calmly, God directed me to look at the coffee table in front of me where I had laid some peppermints (the red and white round hard candy in little wrappers). And he said, “Don’t use those, use these.” And suddenly there were those bright red cinnamon hard candies in my hand wrapped in bright red clearish wrappers. I know.. I dream weird. But it’s how I think and God knows me, haha.

So I slid the peppermints to the others side of the table and set the cinnamon in their place on the table beside me. And I laid back down on the couch.. My husband still dozing off and on in the dream, oblivious to it all. And then there was suddenly a tree in the dream that I know in real life that has significant meaning to me, and has been the object of much prayer. It appeared across from me on the other side of the coffee table. And one of the branches began to flutter as tho there was a breeze in the room. But there was no breeze. And I knew immediately that the enemy was wanting me to know that he was there to harass me about some things I have been petitioning God about.

I told him to leave, but he just began to shake the entire branch really hard. My husband stirred at that moment, and I asked him, “Do you see that?” And he said yes with a little surprise and disbelief. And I told him that it was Satan. By this time I was livid, tho I was still terrified of him. So I sat up again and yelled at him sternly, “ Do not touch it again!”

And he immediately let go of the branch and manifested as he got in my face with his nose almost touching mine and said, “why?” With so much hate and meanness and an evil grin, like he was challenging me, and was enjoying harassing me.

I put my finger in his face and again told him sternly, “Because God said you’re not allowed to touch it.” And with that, he disappeared and left the room. And the dream ended.

Yes, crazy I know.. this is just how I dream.. always have.
So what did I take from this dream.. not that it was some huge revelation.. just direction for me concerning what I asked God about in prayer earlier. I for one believe God answers prayer… in many ways.. and dreams are one of the ways in Scripture and from my personal experience.

The key of the dream for me is all about the candy, haha. Two things in specific.
The red in both the peppermint and the cinnamon represents the Blood of Christ to me.
The fact that they are mints, and what I eat to sweeten my breath when I have to talk to ppl a lot, makes me feel that God is saying to season my words with them in rebuking evil.

I usually use peppermint, which is also known primarily for its soothing and healing qualities.
But the direction that God is telling me to take concerning the things that I have been petitioning him for requires a different seasoning to my words..
Cinnamon.. one that requires a greater awareness of the power and authority of the Blood of Christ, words spoken with fire and zeal and passion in this season, rather than the focus being more about soothing or healing in this particular matter, at this particular time.

There is a season, a time, when peppermint is the best course of action, words of comfort, of retreat.
But this is the season, the time, when cinnamon is necessary, words of fire and zeal, of advancing.

That was the first point.. the second point was that just having it on hand, at my side, being prepared and ready if needing it, is enough. The power resides in the obedience and the willingness to do what ever, to say what ever God leads us to.. so often it is more the state of our heart than the actual turn of events. If events had progressed, were we ready and fully committed to see through whatever God was asking of us in that moment. The power comes and manifests BEFORE the action is even carried out… a state of readiness and commitment, to a future event.. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it is eye-opening and confirmation and strength and peace to me. Especially when applied to the things I have been sifting thru with God.

So sometimes we can say the right stuff.. but if the season or how we season our words is off, Satan takes great advantage of trying to convince us that he has more power than he does.. If what we believe God has said to do isn’t working.. we need to seek God to show us where we are missing it.. Satan must obey and yield to the name of Jesus.. but our motive must be in line with what God deems necessary and right.. and not what we decide is the best means or season or outcome.

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