Tuesday, September 3, 2013


~ "The enemies of Israel are smelling the weakness of the west."
John Hagee

America is war weary. When our ambassador and three officers are murdered and we don't respond, its the green light to the enemies of Israel that they are no longer protected. (Hagee)


~ Your rationalization of your sin is Satan's counterfeit for confession...

Ever see something over and over, to epic proportions.. something that you know is wrong tho good ppl, even ppl you love, even ppl of authority, Christians.. declare and defend as right.. things that just don't ring true.. but you can't put it into words.. yeah...

~ obedience brings blessing,
disobedience brings judgement.

without authentic confession and repentance,
there is no mercy, no forgiveness.

~ Because, if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9 ESV)

If you believe it in your heart, really own it.. you are unafraid to confess it...
If you believe it in your heart, really own it.. you are changed, forgiven, restored, made new...

Hell and historians and the world know that Jesus was real and existed..
The right question is, "Who do you say he is?"

Do you believe that he is Lord of all?
If so.. have you commited all that is in you and your very being to his authority and kingdom and Lordship?
If so.. forgiveness and mercy and blessing are yours.

If not.. your sin remains, you are left to your gods and your self to save you from the coming judgement of the Lord of all, Creator/Owner of the universe..
If not.. forgiveness and the mercy and the blessings of God are not yours to possess.

The major sin of the church is the teaching of forgiveness without repentance... change must be evident and without question.

~ "Maranatha"

the Lord is coming <3

... check yourself.

~ He is only coming for those who are watching.. according to Scripture.
If you are religiously correct and you fail to warn others for fear of losing favor among men and organizations.. their blood in on your hands.. according to Scripture.

Read the Bible. Converse with God in prayer and ask him to reveal Truth to your heart. And then defend it with peace of mind and zeal, unto death.

Otherwise, you don't really beleive that he is Lord,
not "in your heart."

~ People fight for what they love and what they believe in their heart... not just in the physical, but in the spiritual.. not just in the spiritual but in the physical.. all according to God's rules of engagement.

~ Things are not out of control all around you..
God has recorded all in Scripture and remains in absolute control.
'When you see these signs, rejoice.'

Trust the Lord, and he will order your steps as he has promised.
Never leaving you, never forsaking you, giving you hope and a future of good things and blessing.

Be strong and full of courage.
We are soldiers, but more so,
we are children, greatly l...oved, by the God of the universe
who has promised that we will be able to bear all that we must face no matter how unbearable it may seem.. because he is with us as he said.

Our Abba, Emmanuel, God with us <3


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