Study to show thyself approved..
or else don't complain.
~ Step One: Learn the guidelines of communicating with your Senators and Representatives in Congress thru email or by phone.
~ Step Two: Find out who represents you.. who is casting your vote as to what our government supports or rejects. Remembering that "silence is consent" meaning that if you do not communicate how you want your vote cast, the person representing you gets to cast your vote according to what they want, or someone else wants. If we're not gonna take the time to use our voice, we forfeit our freedom and our rights.
~ Being one voice feels small.. but if everyone who fails to voice their opinion to their representative would go ahead and speak up.. a crowd of voices all saying yay or nay would result and would be heard. Your voice matters.. think HORTON HEARS A WHO.
~ The form above in step two is so very simple.. you can use it several ways, but I recommend just typing in your zip code and nothing else. It will immediately generate who your senator and representatives are.
~ Step Three: with the phone numbers and websites generated after entering your zip code above. Either call each person's office, or go to their official website and send a message thru their email. For example, as I am doing this morning, ask that they vote against anything that would take us to war against Syria that would involve us in their country's civil war.
~ Yes, takes a bit of effort and study.. about an hour.. but you gotta ask yourself... is ownership of your freedom and voice worth it or not?..
~ If not, then don't complain that you have no voice in the affairs of this nation.. or about the decisions made by ppl who represent you. They aren't mind readers. Your silence is consent to do whatever they want or someone else wants. Something to think about.
~ Actually, its something to motivate you to not just think about it, but get up and do something about it. Something constructive, no matter how big or small it may seem. Just do what you are able and cover it with prayer
~ There are two Senators (Senate).. and one Representative (Congress).. for my zip code. FYI: our governent involves three branches that balance each other (the Balance of Power).. the Senate, the Congress, and the President. The three of them hammer out legislation according to what the ppl tell them they want, and then they vote, and the majority rules.
~ Here is a sample of the letter I sent to all three of my Senators/Congresswoman..
Dear Senator (so and so),
I appreciate all that you have done in representing the voters of (my state), including myself and my family. You do a great service for our state. I am writing to request that you would vote against all legislation that would involve our nation in the current civil war in Syria, whether sending arms or soldiers or aide of any kind to either side.
Thank you for your consideration. I trust you to represent my heart and my concerns to the best of your ability. May God guide you and give you wisdom in this and in all such matters as you serve the voters of our state and our nation.
Blessing to you and your family and your staff,
(my name)
~ anyway.. just type something similar.. keeping it polite and brief, but very to the point of your concerns... oh and it will ask you for the topic when you are sending an email on their websites.. just select or type in FORGEIGN AFFAIRS. They need your address to be sure you are in their region of the state, and one of the ppl they are actually representing.
~ Years ago I heard a statistic that for every email someone in govt recieves, it represents the sentiment of thousands of ppl that don't take the time to contact them. Email/Contact is hugely important! It's common knowledge among our representatives that when they receive one contact from a voter, it really represents thousands of ppl in their region. They take it very seriously. You have more power and a bigger voice than you realize =)
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