~ Problem is that is would require the church taking a risk instead of the micromanaged safe roads... not everyone worships the same, not everyone will be approved of, not everyone will walk and talk and smell like a church clone... that is the stumbling block.. picture the scene at Peter's house or Matthews.. chaos, unclean ppl in the midst of the ppl of God.. standing alongside the rest of us sinners who are no different than them.. except for one thing.. we have married ourselves to Christ and strive to be like him.. the undoing of forms of godliness... where are the men of God, the men of courage and love?
~ Christ welcomed all in such settings.
~ The church is so far off the mark.. we have so much capability and potential to reach a generation.. but we fail to allow them to be honest and messy and led by the Spirit of Truth to the God of Truth... we are the stumbling block with our arrogance and condescending systems and attitudes... we need to repent!!!
~ God has put all we need in our hands to further the Gospel.. but we refuse to let him lead..
~ (comment by a friend) "it does not have to be sponsored by a church but by the people........that is the term for a Gathering.....someone get a site.......people put money in the bucket.....and from that money get whomever we can..."
~ But if the church isnt involved follow up is not gonna happen realistically... and besides God established the church to be about the Fathers business.. and this is def his heart beat... down the road ppl are gonna need groups of believers (churches) to have the same passion that such an event stirs.. if the church hasnt humbled itself and invested itself, it wont be on the same page when the dust settles and walking this thing out for really real... thats what I mean.. the church -- if it is gonna call itself the CHURCH -- is sposed to be leading us in this.. but they murder anyone that God raises up... persecution is horrid.. but what else is left to take the church out of the hands of the selfishly ambitious and to let the Spirit of God lead.
~ last comment was from my cell.. bleh.. so hard to type complete thoughts, or to avoid typos.. lol
~ Anyway.. I don't know how it will all play out.. I just know that this generation of believers has so much love to scream out before God, so much crap heaped upon them to break through with unbridled ridiculous offensive passion to praise God.. they are seeking Good Things.. and such things come only from God.. the church, man, family, enlightenment, knowledge, liberalism, systems of men and the world, corrupted systems wearing Christian titles.. they have been disappointed, let down, deceived, used as warm bodies by all, but something in the deepest places of their heart refuses to give up.. you can feel it when you talk with them, interact with them... they are searching, begging, hoping, crying out for something honest and real.. for Truth... as are we all. Something must change, the church needs to be shaken, and hard, maybe even slapped if that's what it takes to bring it to its senses.. idk.. but you can feel something coming, the Spirit of God is on the move and a great wind is causing all things called by his name to tremble.. and only what is built upon that solid foundation that is Jesus will remain standing.. a fear and trembling mixed with a great and intense joy as God prepares to lay his hand upon the ppl of God with great anointing. Exciting times my friend <3

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