~ vote PRO-LIFE... If Hitler were still alive slaughtering innocent ppl by the thousands.. would you vote for someone to stop him? The murder of children would seem to take precedent in any election, rather than protecting selfish life-style choices.
~ Babies dodge the suction tube inserted in the mother as they fight for their life.. when it grabs their little arm or leg and rips it from their body, they can be seen in ultrasound throwing their head back in a silent scream and convulsing... thousands of babies, every day, their murder sanctioned by our govt and the ppl of the United States...
~ Babies are delivered but their head is kept in the mother so it can't take a breath on it's own and be declared a person... the doctor holds the squirming infant as it kicks and fights, and then plunges a surgical shaft into the base of the skull up into the brain.. the babies body stiffens and convulses as it dies.. and then the doctor extracts it and throws it in a bin with all the other tissue from procedures... every day, thousands of babies... it's legalized murder of the most innocent in society... vote to end abortion.
~ Is it better to teach young girls to murder their children because they sought to feel loved and were lied to... only to have them grow into women, holding their first born child, and haunted by the reality that their gut feeling was right.. abortion is murder.
bortion doesn't make life easier for a young girl who finds herself pregnant for whatever reason... it scars her heart forever. You can counsel her otherwise all you want, but the first time she holds her baby as a mom, the truth and reality WILL BE UNDENIABLE.
No one even has to say anything to them.. they will just know. And though they might have a college degree, a career, and lots of money at that point.. they will have no peace as a woman. God can help them to forgive themselves and everyone that convinced them that it wasn't a baby. You can come to terms with the death of your aborted child, but the loss of that precious little one remains in your heart.
Abortion doesn't help women, it damages their peace.
From a college age friend:
ReplyDelete"It's actually illegal now I believe unless if the mother is in serious danger..."
Additional Comments:
ReplyDelete~ No, partial birth abortion is still legal.. they just changed it from delivering 2/3 of the baby to 1/2 of the baby before you kill it.. and then called it a partial birth abortion ban.
~ They played with words to cause a smoke screen. The new law states that a baby must be delivered past the naval to be declared a life and can't be killed.. or if the doc is able to flip the baby around while still in the mom, he can still murder it unless over half the head is delivered.
~ That's like saying a guy can beat and rape and dismember a woman, but if his dick is only half way in, then it's not really rape or murder... they created a law titled a partial birth abortion ban.. but they merely played with words and did nothing to stop the murder of babies.