Monday, February 18, 2013

Non-Alpha, Non-Beta

~ Watching our three dogs interact today... whole story behind that.. for another time.. but in those quiet still moments, God often speaks and teaches me in the most simple of examples.
Funny.. no one is threatened by the non-alpha non-beta dog... when he is confident in who he is and his place in the family, when he knows he is at peace with God and man.. he is poised to be the peace maker, the go between, the mediator..

The last shall be first... I have no desire to ever be the alpha or even the beta in this world... third rate, third world... is my hearts desire because I see Christ so clearly in it.. and thats the way he leads me day to day ♥

~ Not that success and wealth are the measure of being alpha or beta or lesser... importance and purpose and popularity and power are more the markers... 
But no matter of titles or position... what matters is knowing God and knowing yourself... in all honesty.

~ In such matters.. there is no desire for a power grab... there is only a focus of relationship between everyone involved and how to reduce conflict (which is inevitable) and to increase compromise (in a way that nutures positive things for everyone as a whole)... family and community.. no one getting everything they want... but everyone content to give a measure and receive a measure... in what is true and good and just.

~ God sets such lessons all around us... in the animals and the sky and the things of nature... the mundane and the glaring... we dont even have to always ask specifically tho sometimes specifics are necessary... we just need to acknowledge that he is with us in any and every moment and then invite him to chat about whatever is on his mind or in his heart... he already knows whats in ours... makes for some pretty profound and meaningful moments.

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