~ God gave warnings in Isaiah concerning what is happening in our nation today.. CRAZY, distinct prophecy fulfilled.. THIS IS QUITE INCREDIBLE.. I encourage you to watch this.. not as a scare tactic.. but to agree in a prayer of repentance for our nation. 9/11 marked the beginning of nine warnings that God is speaking that he is removing his protective hedge from around our nation. You will not beleive what God has revealed to this guy..
~ It's happening.. I really believe this ASH WEDNESDAY is marking the beinning of a great revival.. the one we have all talked about and heard about.. we are about to live it ♥
~ but first.. a time of repentance and fasting and prayer and being tempted by Satan as Christ was...
just remember that temptation is resisted only when we know the word of God in context.. and not the half truths that Satan or someone in our life has spoken.. that only comes from reading the word of God for ourselves and asking the spirit of God to help us understand what he is speaking to us..
and as for fasting.. just pick something to give up for 40 days.. video games, tv, a favorite food or snack, make up, jewelry.. what ever will make you stop several times a day because your flesh or your vanity craves it.. then use those moments as an alarm clock to remember to talk to God and pray through your entire day and night.. that's the purpose of fasting. And tell God that that thing is just a small symbol that serves as an alarm clock.. that you want his will and presence in your life sooo much more.
I have fasted for cookies for a year, several times, cookie monster that I am.. and God was more present in my life at those times then every before, because I remembered to acknowledge him and invited him and conversed with him on such a greater scale. I encourage you to pick a fast now.. and to begin it this Wednesday as a preparation for what God is about to bring in the coming months. There are things he is going to use each of us to do, ppl he needs each of us to encourage and love and speak discipline to ♥
~ oh.. and if you forget and pop that cookie in your mouth or start that video game or leave the house wearing that favorite necklace or whatever.. and break your fast sincerely without intention.. be merciful to yourself.. tell God your sorry.. immediately get back on the horse.. pick up where you left off and no worries.. it's more about maintaining that constant continual conversation with God..sometimes, an accidental break can break us on a deeper level, allowing God to get to those deep places in our heart.. nothing like failure to open our eyes to how much we need Jesus and how loving and forgiving he is when we return to him with a sincere heart and renewed commitment. Failure for the true Christian becomes a lesson in wisdom and strength when we couple it with repentance.
~ yes, there is beauty in the world.. but it is broken and under a curse according to Scripture and groaning under the weight of it.. this world is horrible, this life has a time, a duration, but it also has an end.. a wonderful, beautiful glorious end for the follower of Christ.. Jesus prayed that God would not take us out of the world, but that he would keep us in his perfect will while we are here.. he didn't want us to miss our moment to do damage to the evil that has corrupted all that God created to be good.
Ever want that moment of vengeance.. ever want that face to face encounter with the hell that has caused so much hurt to you and to those you love and most of all to the heart of God.. this is it.. this life, right now, right where you're standing or sitting or breathing.. but you are fighting spiritual things.. spiritual creatures that are skilled at manipulating ppl in a physical world.. you can't win this thing, you can't fight effectively, you can't hit him where it hurts.. unless.. you follow the example of warfare that Jesus came to teach us.
The enemy is in your face.. pressing his teeth against your face and spitting as he growls his threats at you. But he knows there are rules of engagement, rules we don't fully understand, but rules that God does. He also knows that Jesus has put a line around us, that evil can't cross unless God allows it.. and God will not allow it, unless we invite that evil in or if someone that we are to fight for invites it in.
Life has a purpose, just as sure as it has a time line. This is not forever.. and the best it has to offer is "like a menstrual cloth" compared to the good things God has waiting.. so Scripture says. So the best money can buy, the most fame the world can offer, the yummiest satisfaction of anything on this earth.. are all that low and empty and disgusting compared to what waits at the end of this war.. this is not some stroll thru the park journey.. this is a war according to Christ. There is a Life that follows this one that is not bound by time.. it will not end, nor will it contain evil in any form. It will not culminate in the clouds in the sky.. it will resolve itself back on the earth, where God intended us to live, but all will be restored to the Goodness God intended us to possess and to live out forever.
Alarmist.. maybe.
But in a war.. someone better sound the alarm.
Or we all die ♥
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