~ God unlocks new mysteries in the Word of God to every generation.. to those who study and seek him for a word and direction as a witness to each generation.. there is so much in Scripture that we have not fully understood or glimpsed.. there is so much previous generations have to teach this one.. and so much that this generation is unlocking as they teach mine.. our kids have incredible insight and wisdom and revelation when they open the word of God and their hearts to our Lord and Savior. I am excited to receive from God thru their labor and witness and gifting..
Father, pour your anointing out upon the young adults and the children of this generation... draw them by your Spirit to seek your face and to study to show themselves approved and pleasing to you.. ignite a passion and loose a wisdom to them to teach and share the things you would say to your church in this hour.. keep them from error and arrogance and drift and deception, in the name of Jesus.. keep them center and focused on Christ and all that he has taught us and is teaching us.. empower them and equip them to lead the nations and to lead their families and to be strong and full of courage in these uncertain times.. heal their hurts Father, they are deep and have left scars.. bring beauty and miracles as they are a reflection of your scars, bringing glory to God and salvation to many. In the name of Jesus I pray. Thank you Father. Love and Hugs and Praises to you! Amen ♥
~ There is an anointing.. a supernatural release into our being when we spend time one-to-one in prayer and worship of God.. it is very similar to what Moses experienced coming down from the mountain after communing with God.. he had to wear a veil over his face, until the anointing and glory faded after leaving the presence of God and that personal time with him..
That was before the cross.. that was before the veil of the temple was torn.. before the Spirit of God was not only with us but in us as Christ promised.. something happens when we seek his face.. when we approach him in personal prayer time.. reading his word.. inviting him to have his way, to lead us and guide us and clean us up.. to just tell him thank you and how much we love him and to just sit in his presence with no distraction...
You say you want more of God.. more of his anointing and power and wisdom in your life and your being.. then spend more time with him.. it's that easy.. just like soaking up rays at the beach.. seek his face, and he will make sure you find it.. even if it doesn't feel miraculous in that moment, even if it feels foolish at first or uneventful.. trust me... as you leave that place and walk out the life he lays before you.. revelation and power will manifest before your eyes... it's a spiritual work that comes only when we do the physical work..
Moses climbed a mountain to seek his face.. we have him here with us and in us.. God wants to pour out new revelation and power to reach the lost of this specific generation.. he wants to equip you as part of it.. to reach it... seek his face ♥
~ You were formed and fashioned by God.. Scripture says, it wasn't by the will of a man (or a woman).. your parents decision or indecision to have a baby was merely the door God chose to place you on this earth.. he entrusted you to them and them to you, to respect and love one another as you both fulfill whatever plans God set for each of you.. connected or disconnected.. under the same anointing and calling or very different ones.. you are here because God sent you into the earth, just as he sent Christ..with a specific purpose and life to walk out and things to accomplish for the glory of the Father.
When he fashioned you he put gifting in you.. and he gave you the free will to use it for whatever you chose on this earth.. good or evil.. in the vein of the will of God or outside of it.. in the flow of a righteous life or one of rebellion against the plan of God.. but either way.. you are gifted by the love and grace of God.
But when you commit that gifting to God.. something supernatural happens.. a power and force explodes on the scene as you tap your talents into agreement with the Spirit of God. Suddenly you are connected spiritually to everything and everyone who is also spiritually connected to the will and way of God. And your talents and giftings and those things that stir with excitement inside you ignite into flame and power and light. It is God in you, just as Christ promised.. empowering you, your gifts, your calling and purpose on this earth.
so shine, and abundantly so,
in the name of Jesus <3
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