Sunday, December 2, 2012

So Blatantly Obvious

~ "I don't want to talk about you
like you're not in the room.
Wanna look right at you,
Wanna sing right to you..."

~ I will never fit any where in this world, not even in religious circles. But Jesus will forever fit nicely into my heart and rule and reign over it. He knows my story, he brought me through it and helped me write it, and I will forever seek to live it out to the end as he dictates and no one else.

~ Everyone keeps talking about this great end time revival like we can orchestrate the thing that will satisfy the hunger that is raging in the hearts of so many today.. ppl keep looking for a program or a technique or a Barna statistic to bring revelation.. but I just think God has something so much greater in mind.. something beyond the polished, neat and clean chess board we tend to set on the table as well meaning ppl of faith.. 

what if God?...

what if he doesn't plan on doing something eccentric and earth-shaking?

what if he does something so very simple and common and blatantly obvious that we totally missed it, looked right past it, thought it small and insignificant and not enough and too messy?...

wouldn't that be just like God?

to shake the world and rattle all things into alignment by simply gently speaking truth on a typical day in the life...

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