Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Zodiac Signs

Talking astrology with a friend.. 

~ don't like horoscopes cuz I feel like they are a spiritual force that tries to control and manipulate.. but basic signage stuff seems more like personality traits to me.. idk why it's so accurate but ppl really do reflect their signs, christian or not. Thing to remember is that God can change any habit or personality trait in anyone, and has all authority over such things. So don't ever feel like a sign locks you or someone else into being a certain way. Even tho some of it is accurate much of it is gray. I consider signs sometimes, never horoscopes, but I always ask God about it all.

~ Christians use something called Simple, Scorner, Fool to determine personality traits. (As well as Treasure Tree Traits of Otter, Lab, Beaver, and Lion).

~ one other thing is that astro signs tend to take away a persons individuality and how special and unique they are. Like if someone breaks up with you, they may hook up with another Leo or Cancer or whatever you are, thinking you are replaceable based on character traits. But they would be wrong. There is only one AMAZON WOMAN that we all know and love. There is a side of this stuff that holds some truth, tho slightly, but there is a side that can become easily twisted and is very negative. I am glad you are just keeping it silliness and fun.. no other Leo will ever replace your beautiful face!

~ Think of it like colors.. you might be blue. And that would mean that you can be cool and jazzie and one of my very favorite colors ever. But you would be so much more than just a blob on the color wheel boxed in between green and purple. God or Life or your own stubborn self might just add a little yellow to who you are so you can move a little closer to yellow and see what that would be like. You could add any color you choose from the wheel to move freely throughout the spectrum... tho still not losing the core of who you are. Just be sure that you don't let such things limit you and define you..

~ oh, and don't let it color how you view other ppl in your life. No one wants to be boxed in, judged, or limited by a label.

~ Here's another random thought for those who like to explore the rabbit holes of life a little deeper.. and because I am an Aquarius and tend to get lost in random thought... but what if it's not about the dates at all, but more about the season you are born in. Maybe it's the social temperament/environment you are born into that affects and shapes aspects of your personality. Like the fun loving, life of the party Sagittarius born during Christmas, the peak of fesitive holidays and celebration. Or the Leo born during the height of the summer, strutting her stuff on the beach and turning heads. Or the Aquarius, born during the height of the winter when everyone is aloof and out of touch as they buckle under ice and freezing temps. This whole thing of astrology could just be motivated by the social climate we are born into, that shapes our psyche as to why we were born and how we measure it to what's happening in our lives every year when we celebrate our birth and meditate on that thought. It would be interesting to compare the personality traits and signs of ppl who live on the opposite side of the world or who celebrate a very different cycle of holidays/cultures...

Keeping in mind that even if that is the case.. and it is the season we are born into that is one of many factors that contribute to how our personality is wired.. we must remember that it is God who determines when we are born, into what season, and the intricate talents and giftings that he equips us with to accomplish all purpose for which we were fashioned. As well as where he sends us into this world, which side of the planet, what family, what community.. he fashions every fiber of our being and then places us in this life with absolute precision to succeed in our calling.. just as intimately as he placed his own son in a tiny box of straw in a manger ♥

He really does fight for us, gives us every advantage, favors us beyond our flaws.. the rest is up to us.

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