Monday, May 20, 2013

Dance.. open door for error

I believe the church should take a hard look at dance in the church... because I believe it has abused it's freedom in this area.

Just from examples and Scripture and from what I have witnessed, it would seem that there are only really a few avenues where dance is a positive, organized event in the church.. The first is in celebration like when Miriam led the women with tambourines and dance after a great victory was won for the nation of Israel.. or when David led a procession dancing and celebrating the return of the ark to Jerusalem. But both instances were rare and only during special times of celebration.

The second area would be when drama's are performed or special presentations of worship. But again, on rare occasions like Easter or other times of celebration. Dance has it's place in expression... but the door has been so flung open in this area that it is more often an avenue for lust and arrogance to enter. Not just for men, watching women in costume.. but for the women, parading around having the eye and attention of every man in the room.

Many will read this and immediately take offense. They will see it as jealousy or tie other motive to it. But this is just what I have witnessed among dance teams and dance conventions and worship teams and an epidemic of adultery among worshp team members. More often than not, women dancing in  costumes during worship are more of a distraction than something that enhances and encourages worship.

Dance has it's place in the church, but there are limits in my opinion and from what I can gather from Scripture. There are really only three areas where dance would seem pure in motive, and all three are in rare cases:
1) Spontaneous dance, when a worshipper is overwhelmed by the Spirit of God and expresses worship thru dance in that moment.
2) Cultural dance, when a time of celebration deems the situation appropriate for the women among the congregation or men, to dance in praise and thanksgiving and joy.
3) Performance dance, when a special play or drama or presentation allows for it in telling a story or expressing a topic shared in the message.

There is an epidemic of lust in the church.. among those calling themselves Christians. Dance and Worship Team members are at the center of much of the adultery.. it would be wise for the church to take a step back and re-evaluate sheepskin from dance that is true worship.

just sayin.. we must all seek God in the matter for ourselves  <3

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