~ "There are two kingdoms at work in our world and both are actively engaged in capturing hearts and minds." Allistar Begg.
~ Sin or rebellion against what God says is good can feel very right and very good.. but it is still sin and rebellion against God... you have to want God.. and you have to choose to receive the blessings of working hard on the team and for t...he team.. rather than choosing to endure the negative consequences that come with living for self or according to a moral code that is in oppostion to the God of the universe. Live clean, live Good, by living Godly ♥
~ According to Jesus this is a sign that u are blessed-“Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:28) from Pastor Lance.
~ wow, read this verse this morning and it hit me so powerfully..
"why are we blessed for having to obey the Word of God?"
Felt like God asked the question.. and then answered it so simply..
"Because it is evidence that you are my children.. because you are doing the work of your Father."
What a great thing! So much wisdom, truth, logic, goodness, simplicity.. love ♥
~ Children are a reflection of their parents.. just as the acorn becomes an oak and throws shade and beauty and blessing on those around it as a mirror image of it's heritage and genetic code.. so are we to be..
Jesus is family.. obeying the Father for our example.. as we obey the Father and all that he commands, we are stating to the world and ourselves that we are God's children, God's family, a mirror image of our brother and our Father and our God..
Despite everything, we declare that God is our Father when we obey his Word.
wow, what an incredible thing.
~ makes me think of the phrase, "Actions speak louder than words.. " We can boast all day that we are Christians, but we aren't really believable until we act like Followers of the example Christ set.
~ My earthly father was a terrible father by definition of what a father should be.. he did a lot of things wrong.. but at the same time he did a lot of things right. It’s just so easy for each of us to immediately grab our parents failures and shortcomings and hold them up as who they are.. and then we criticize them for doing the same to us. Selah.
But the thing is.. quite often, the positive th...ings that our parents instilled in us whether intentional or unintentional were planned by God. I will never be able to thank my dad enough for instilling the importance of truth and honesty in me. He continually stated how much he hated liars.. quite colorfully stated it with not just a few explicatives. He disciplined us quite brutally if we were caught in a lie.
He always told us that if we would tell him the truth, our punishment would be much less than if we were caught lying. And he was true to that.
Yes, earthly parents are not perfect.. sometimes they are far from perfect.. but God placed you under that authority because there is some thing, some key to their personality, that has worked something with great potential in your personality. So even if your mom or dad is a hard pill to swallow, even if they did a lot of things wrong.. shift your focus from the negative and begin to appreciate the positive things about yourself because you were their kid.
I don’t care what anyone says.. there is a love between parent and child, despite all sin, despite all anger and bitterness and regret and failure… your mom loves you in her own way.. your dad loves you in his own way.. and you love them. That’s just how it is with family. Even if it is never said or demonstrated, it’s there somewhere in our hearts. I pray God brings it out in ways that bring him glory and fill your life with incredible blessing. In the name of Jesus. Amen
~ I don't remember ever hearing my father say that he loved me as a kid.. I don't ever remember him hugging me.. but there was no doubt that he loved me. Again it comes back to the word Pastor Lance shared this morning and that actions speak louder than words... I could have a pity party and glorify everything negative.. that I never got the textbook affirmation of my father's love.. but the truth ...of the matter is that he demonstrated his love for me without intent.. which in truth, made it so sincerely authentic and precious to my heart as a kid, and all these years later..
One of the most vivid memories I have of my father was when I was home from school sick with the flu (which was often as a kid). I kept high temps and my mom had passed, so I was home alone sick alot. As a young soldier on a meager income raising four small children alone, he would come home at lunch to check on me. He would bring me coloring books and crayons every time.. and sometimes he would actually color with me. Or he would eat his lunch of bologna sandwiches beside my bed. But every time before he left, he would feel my forehead really intently.. and there was so much concern and hurt in his eyes as he worrried over me and my well being.. I hated to see him hurt like that, I wanted to tell him not to worry, but as a little kid I didn’t really know how to put it into words to assure him I was okay.
I will never forget that. My dad loved me greatly.
He was a good dad.
~ And for all you parents out there feeling that your failures have hindered your children in some way.. be at peace, in the name of Jesus. Of course, do what God puts in your heart to make it right.. but at the same time, know that love covers a multitude of sin. I have prayed devoutly since becoming a mom, that my failures and shortcomings would not hinder my children's walk with God. I don't know... how it will all play out, but I have given it to God and I trust him to fulfill every good thing in their lives that he planned the moment he thought them into existence. Ask God to do the same for you.. and then just be the best parent you can be as his Word and his Spirit guides you. Whether your children are small, or teens or adults.. there is a love between you that will always remain, and that will outshadow any negative thing that tries to oppress either of you. I pray God would fill you with peace and courage and strength as a parent. He is with you and your kids.
~ We can boast all day that we are Christians, but we aren't really believable until we act like Followers of the example Christ set.
~ I think one of my biggest fears is that I become so churched that I only think that I am a reflection of Jesus Christ.
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