~ 1 Corinthians 7:34
and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.
~ "I have no command from the Lord, but I give my judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy. I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who ma...rry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away." (I cor 7)
~ "... if his passions are strong, and it has to be, let him do as he wishes: let them marry—it is no sin." (I Cor 7)
~ "This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. "
Time is running out.. there's little time to mourn.. to rejoice.. to be about the affairs of this world.. to do little else other than be about the Father's business as never before..
It's almost such an urgency that you have to hand that broken heart.. or that great win.. or whatever that hugely emotional moment is.. ov...er to God to hold for a bit.. cuz the shadow of that dark cloud is over the land, and there are only minutes or seconds left to prepare and to get everyone to safety..
set aside offenses.. set aside deep wounds and crippling injuries.. as best as you can.. go into robot mode.. be the machine.. be focused.. do what has to be done.. so that all is prepared and protected and covered as the midnight hour strikes..
trust God with all things.. hear him.. and get to it.
~ God is working and fighting on your behalf.. he will sort out all healing and injustice and affirmation that you set aside and entrust to him.. as you keep the focus on getting the Gospel into the hearts and lives of the lost in these last seconds of this life... he will reward and judge all in due time according to his mercy and his wisdom and his love. It's a trust thing.
~ But woe to those who viloate you and all that God calls holy in your life, taking advantage and robbing the ppl of God who are occupied with the Father's business.. especially those who call themeselves Christian but who live as wolves.. God has the back of those that love him.. he will repay vengeance to those that are deserving of it. Take the hit.. it's the end game that will bring the win. Finish strong, finish fully trusting our Lord and Savior with all things.. despite the enemies most vicious hits.. despite your hurts that result.. despite every wave raging around you.. keep your eyes on him, and walk across that water.. there is an end to the storm <3
~ There is an end to the storm.
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