~ *racket.. rackety
rackety.. racket.. rack..
kinda good..
rackety rack..
racket, racket, racket..*
Son looks up with sheepish apologetic grin,
"I'm learning.."
Mom keeps reading her book..
never looks up,
"That's how you get good.."
~ My son bought his first loop station.. I have been witness to the creative process all morning.. while sister has been trying to sleep thru it all.. life.. family.. children.. it's all good, often challenging.. but all very good..
~ I often sleep with ear plugs these days.. fixin to buy a bucket of them for the family.. hahaha.. seriously tho <3
~ I treasure the creative process.. one of my favorite things to sit in on in the whole world.. to hear chatter or racket slowly evolve into art or music that can move mountains in a person's soul.. I think I get it from my Creator God, my Abba Father .
~ and the heart of a teacher that he put in me.. to witness someone learning, growing and excelling.. maybe a little mother's heart in the mix as well =)
~ Either way.. being unafraid to express the things in your heart in search of bettering yourself and others and the world around you as a reflection of the God that made you and gifted you and wired you.. pretty awesome.
~ Even ppl that don't acknowledge him.. their gifting and talent and ability was woven into the fabric of their being by a loving God who formed them in their mothers tummy.. it was a gift. Part of God's plan to prosper them and bless them from the beginning as he let them choose the way they would go.
~ That's love. That's trust. He gives us free will and guards it for us.. makes me more determined to choose him even more in the big and in the small.
~ The potential for gifting and talent is woven into the fabric of every child when God forms them from the beginning.. if they nurture and perfect those giftings they are destined for greatness..
When they choose to serve anything with those abilities other than what is Truly Good.. those gifts only reach the ceiling of this life and can go no further.
But when they choose to serve all that God calls good to the very best of their ability.. those gifts plug into something so much larger than the limited confines of this life.
That's part of the promise that Christ spoke about.. that he would give us life more abundantly.. LIFE.
Everyone is gifted in some way.. because Gods plan to bless them and prosper them that Jeremiah talks about was the original plan that God ordered and put in to play for each of us. We choose to cultivate the things in our heart and our abilities.. but our limitations are determined by who or what we commit our heart and those talents to.
This life is a good ride for some.. but it will end and remains finite.
Life in Christ takes the good that God planned from the beginning, matures it thru this life, and causes it to spill over and to dominate an infinite existence that he has prepared for each of us.
Think Bigger than this life challenges you to think.
Know the good things he has planned for you,
live them and claim them, now and without end <3
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