Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Miley

As a mom, my heart breaks to see Miley so "desperate" for attention, that she would feel a need to strip down and degrade herself defining her womanhood as slut instead of classy... altho the church is full of the same women (desperate for attention) who pursue married men.. I see what she did as tame compared to the many sins of adultery excused and empowered these days. How can Christians ridicule this lost little girl, and yet wink at the over 50% of Christians having affairs and divorcing their spouses for bogus issues or flat out lust. Clean up your own house first.. or you have no voice.

As a woman.. I feel sorry for Miley because she really thinks her performance was hot by the worlds standards.. but really she looked like a little girl awkwardly off beat and thinking herself the epitome of sexy.. she was more like a clumsy horse tromping around on the stage.. and everyone around her lying to her and using her .. using her name and warm body while telling her that everyone else is just jealous.. it was not just an over the top slutty performance.. it was just plain embarassing.. girls got no hips and no rhythm.

She thinks all that yuck made her appear as a woman, all grown up.. but it really just showed what a little girl she still is.. presented herself as the complete opposite of what she was going for. I pray God sends someone she respects, who will truly care about her.. to speak wisdom and self worth to her, Christian or not Christian.. God can speak thru anything.. I hurt for her family to have to watch her take such a painful road. I pray she gets some clarity and sees how awkward and embarrassing her performance was.. that she puts it behind her.. and moves on to the good things God has planned for her.. that she gains some perspective of her womanhood that goes beyond having to strip down for attention from men and for money <3

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