Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Little Miley

As a mom, my heart breaks to see Miley so "desperate" for attention, that she would feel a need to strip down and degrade herself defining her womanhood as slut instead of classy... altho the church is full of the same women (desperate for attention) who pursue married men.. I see what she did as tame compared to the many sins of adultery excused and empowered these days. How can Christians ridicule this lost little girl, and yet wink at the over 50% of Christians having affairs and divorcing their spouses for bogus issues or flat out lust. Clean up your own house first.. or you have no voice.

As a woman.. I feel sorry for Miley because she really thinks her performance was hot by the worlds standards.. but really she looked like a little girl awkwardly off beat and thinking herself the epitome of sexy.. she was more like a clumsy horse tromping around on the stage.. and everyone around her lying to her and using her .. using her name and warm body while telling her that everyone else is just jealous.. it was not just an over the top slutty performance.. it was just plain embarassing.. girls got no hips and no rhythm.

She thinks all that yuck made her appear as a woman, all grown up.. but it really just showed what a little girl she still is.. presented herself as the complete opposite of what she was going for. I pray God sends someone she respects, who will truly care about her.. to speak wisdom and self worth to her, Christian or not Christian.. God can speak thru anything.. I hurt for her family to have to watch her take such a painful road. I pray she gets some clarity and sees how awkward and embarrassing her performance was.. that she puts it behind her.. and moves on to the good things God has planned for her.. that she gains some perspective of her womanhood that goes beyond having to strip down for attention from men and for money <3

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Potential.. think bigger...

~ I treasure the creative process.. one of my favorite things to sit in on in the whole world.. to hear chatter or racket slowly evolve into art or music that can move mountains in a person's soul.. I think I get it from my Creator God, my Abba Father .

~ and the heart of a teacher that he put in me.. to witness someone learning, growing and excelling.. maybe a little mother's heart in the mix as well

Monday, August 12, 2013

in view of the present distress

~ 1 Corinthians 7:34
and his interests are divided. An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord’s affairs: Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit. But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this world—how she can please her husband.

~ "I have no command from the Lord, but I give my judgment as one who by the Lord's mercy is trustworthy. I think that in view of the present distress it is good for a person to remain as he is. Are you bound to a wife? Do not seek to be free. Are you free from a wife? Do not seek a wife. But if you do marry, you have not sinned, and if a betrothed woman marries, she has not sinned. Yet those who ma...rry will have worldly troubles, and I would spare you that. This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. From now on, let those who have wives live as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no goods, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away." (I cor 7)

~ "... if his passions are strong, and it has to be, let him do as he wishes: let them marry—it is no sin." (I Cor 7)

~ "This is what I mean, brothers: the appointed time has grown very short. "

Time is running out.. there's little time to mourn.. to rejoice.. to be about the affairs of this world.. to do little else other than be about the Father's business as never before..

It's almost such an urgency that you have to hand that broken heart.. or that great win.. or whatever that hugely emotional moment is.. ov...er to God to hold for a bit.. cuz the shadow of that dark cloud is over the land, and there are only minutes or seconds left to prepare and to get everyone to safety..

set aside offenses.. set aside deep wounds and crippling injuries.. as best as you can.. go into robot mode.. be the machine.. be focused.. do what has to be done.. so that all is prepared and protected and covered as the midnight hour strikes..

trust God with all things.. hear him.. and get to it.

~ God is working and fighting on your behalf.. he will sort out all healing and injustice and affirmation that you set aside and entrust to him.. as you keep the focus on getting the Gospel into the hearts and lives of the lost in these last seconds of this life... he will reward and judge all in due time according to his mercy and his wisdom and his love. It's a trust thing.

~ But woe to those who viloate you and all that God calls holy in your life, taking advantage and robbing the ppl of God who are occupied with the Father's business.. especially those who call themeselves Christian but who live as wolves.. God has the back of those that love him.. he will repay vengeance to those that are deserving of it. Take the hit.. it's the end game that will bring the win. Finish strong, finish fully trusting our Lord and Savior with all things.. despite the enemies most vicious hits.. despite your hurts that result.. despite every wave raging around you.. keep your eyes on him, and walk across that water.. there is an end to the storm <3

~ There is an end to the storm.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Dream: Effective Car Repair, No Lion

~ Napping on the couch just now... had a dream that I was standing in the parking lot at the park where I run... was about to do something (dont remember what) but I suddenly looked down in my hand and a car lightbulb appeared in it.. I instantly knew that (my son) had a light burned out in his car. I looked up and there was his car parked in the far corner of the parking lot, caddy corner to me. So I instantly thot I would go over and replace the bulb real quick before doing whatever it was I was gonna do.

Suddenly this huge beautiful lion appeared and I knew he had come to try to interfere with me repairing the car, but he was acting like he was friendly (non-threatening).. I took a step toward the car and he took a step but I didnt want him near me or my son's car cuz I knew he planned to bring harm to him... I suddenly had a rifle in my hands and I took the barrel and popped him between the eyes pretty hard as I calmy but sternly said NO..

I started again toward the car but as I did he took a step as well. I took the rifle a second time and popped him between the eyes.. once again, calmly but more forcefully to be clear, I said.. NO. I hit him so hard the second time that I heard a loud crack almost like in the physical and the spiritual as the metal hit against his skull... it made a noise so loud that it woke me up from the dream...

Recently God told me he was about to loose prophetic dreams among his ppl... I believe it is starting. Its different for everyone.. but for me quite often there is a vivid color in a dream that serves as a marker to pay attention to it... that or an extreme clarity to it that I cant explain.. this dream had a dominant color...

Havent kept a dream journal in years... felt like God is saying to keep one again... if this stirs something in you that feels like God.. ask him about it... and maybe begin jotting your dreams down as well. Makes it much easier to go back and recall the details when God brings them to pass.. which often gives insight and direction to things that you or someone in your life or both are about to go through.

Was just asking the Lord for the full interpretation of the dream.. keeping in mind that dreams are not about drama.. we often turn simple letters or conversations into huge issues that God never intended.. the dream is simply direction as a mom of what the current spiritual climate is in my sons life.. he is about to face something that is a key or pivotal moment that will affect the ministry that God has fashioned him for and is calling him into.. God is simply giving me direction of how to pray for him in the daily maintenance of a mothers prayers...

the light bulb is small thing, a minor hindrance, but one that could cause a huge collision down the road. The enemy wants to appear small and nonthreatening so he can slip the wrench in the works.. but God is revealing his attempt and giving us the authority to guard my son. The first hit was done in my own strength and had little effect.. the second hit was done in the physical and in the spiritual (in the strength God has imparted to me.. and with his power and authority). God is simply reminding me to not let a mothers' heart cause me to act in the physical.. but to be sure to cover it and be guided in my prayers to hit this thing, whatever plan is being devised by the enemy to try to hinder my son's ministry/witness, at the root, in THE NAME OF JESUS. Cars represent a person's ministry often times in dreams.

So no worries.. I will pray as God has directed me.. and whatever my son is facing or about to face, big or small.. God will guard the outcome. All of us have pivotal moments in our lives regularly.. just emphasizes the importance of prayer cover and wisdom in discerning God's will at each moment as we act on his leading. That is the purpose of dreams... not to be super spiritual or dramatic. But very necessary and key to the functioning of the body as a whole.. and for each of us as individuals

The Glamorous Life

~ The life of being healthy seems so glamorous when ur running across a finishline wearing the tshirt and the team number.. or on the platform as a winner.. or sporting that fine fitting new outfit... but the real side of that healthy life th...at you live most often looks more like this.. with no make up.. sweat stains.. a snotty nose from trying to breath despite the pollen and humidity.. and about to pee on yourself if youre over 40 or nearing 50... lol

The question you have to ask yourself is... is it worth it?.. the daily beating of your body into those moments of subjection.. so that you can savor those brief moments of success and celebration...

How similar to the life of a follower of Christ... the daily labor, consistent and some times grueling labor, just for those few moments of celebration with the angels in heaven over each name written down in heaven.. one by one.. each life we touch in the name of Christ as his hands and feet and voice.

The question you gotta ask yourself is how much is it worth to you... that one life.. knowing that you were once that one life to Christ as he hung dying on a cross.. and to that person that sacrificed and labored so that heaven could rejoice and celebrate your salvation thru Christ..

So yeah... just enjoying a cool breeze after my run.. and the presence of God chilling with me this afternoon, meditating on his goodness and how it should look in the life of those who are called by his name <3

~ Was raining this morning.. forecast said 90% until evening.. headed out any way in faith.. cuz to date without fail.. everytime I have run or gone fishing this year on a rainy day... God stops it or dials it back to a drizzle as soon as my feet hit the pavement or I step onto the creek bank.. seriously.. we laugh about it as we thank him each time...

So prayed on the way for it to clear again..... it let up some but pretty steady still as we got to the park and sat under a pavilion.. then a patch of the sky began to lighten and I told my husband "Lets hit it." He said I thot we were gonna wait a bit longer. But I pointed to that bright spot and said God is clearing it off for us... He kinda laughed and said but thats not moving our way.. and I said "oh ye of little faith, yes it is".. so we took off in the rain...

Then I doubted for a second and said I was gonna run near the pavilions in case another downpour started instead of my normal run to the flagpole off away from everything... but as I ran the Spirit of God grinned and whispered to me..."oh ye of little faith"... which made me grin.. so I veered off on the path to the flagpole... by the time I reached it the sun was shining so bright which made me laugh because of Gods goodness...

Then to top it off... while typing this on my phone... my husband just got back from his run and said it was a rough one.. and that it wouldnt have been so bad if I hadnt prayed ALL the clouds away, maybe saved a cpl... made me laugh even more.. I told him I would remember that next time... God is so present.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jonah Right - hut hut

~ We will not always understand the things that God puts in our heart or someone elses heart to do.. but we will always have an unexplained peace when it is truly the leading of the Spirit of God... that's how you can have those butterflies of uncertainty and yet that certainty that this is the way you must go concerning the issue at hand.

If you go in arrogance full of selfish ambition.. you sin....
If you go beating yourself up in false humility.. you sin.

But if you go in fear and trembling, understanding that the power and will of God is about to move thru whatever you are about to say or do.. coupled with going in boldness, knowing that God is very present..

you please God.

Even in your smallness, even in your imperfections..
When your heart's main motive is to please God, then go.
Keeping in mind that sometimes he can change your direction in mid-stream, and that's not error, that's just evidence that something shifted in heavenly places or in someones heart that changed the direction God needs you to take things.

Think of Jonah.. how God told him to preach that destruction was coming to Ninevah.. and then God showed them mercy because they repented.. that's what Jonah dreaded all along.. knowing God was a merciful God and would change the plan..

If the plan changes, or God throws a curveball.. we've got to get past our pride and go with the new play he sent out onto the field or spoke into our headset... the leading of the Spirit is a continual, moment by moment thing.. the quarterback has no idea what exact plays will progress thru the game.. sometimes the win depends on an unexpected play here and there that was necessary and wise.

~ You gotta trust your coach.


~ "If we lose sight of the appearing and return of the Lord, we will begin to live carelessly.. "

a white lie here.. a half truth there.. a lustful thought we entertain until we commit adultery or fornication.. dislike that slides into hatred or bitterness or meanness.. living for what we like or what makes us happy and being critical of anything that doesn't tickle our ears or stroke our ego..

...we begin to stray from our first love..
we begin to excuse our lack of faithfulness..
we become consumed with our pleasure and ignore the hurt we cause..

Christ is coming..
That truth should inspire us to clean up..
When we deny that it is truth, we lie..

and we willfully live carelessly
crying LORD LORD as tho we are believers and followers of a God
that is no longer our Lord or our Friend..
calling ourselves Christian tho we are nothing like him.
~ I posted this just after finishing several hours of Bible Study this morning.. and the literal second I clicked POST.. someone msg'd me a dream they just woke up from this morning.. that is truly uncanny as to how well it aligns with what I was just thinking.. pretty cool.
~ dream:  "me and a few other people were standing outside on a road in a neighborhood. me and one other guy saw a meteor falling toward a house so we immediately started running toward it in case it hurt anyone. it hit right before we got there and when we ran up, it was the (certain person's) house. it smashed through a window but they were playing nintendo wii and didn't seem to care that the meteor hit. we started asking if they were alright and putting out any flames and they looked at the window and were calm and saying how it looks like everything is good. i was confused as to why they didn't understand the seriousness of the situation.
~ interpretation:  "First thoughts.. but I don't think it was about the (person) in particular.. I think they represent ppl that you know who are sposed to be Christians, or ppl in the church who are Christians, but who aren't truly committed to Christ or their walk.. signs in the heavens, warnings and threats of danger just don't matter much to them..
You still have to work for the good of all.. touching base.. checking on their safety at times and giving them every opportunity to realize the danger they are living.. how close they are to destruction."
~ Such dreams are often for the person as well as the church as a whole (tho some are merely pizza dreams and mean nothing).. always pray concerning them, measuring it to the Word and seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance as well as wise counsel from ppl that you know love God..
 ~ (8/20/13) Reading back thru this this morning and another thought occurred to me. He was looking out the window.. which relates to prophetic gifting symbolically.. he was checking to see if his gifts were still in tact.. didn't care about what God might be saying or warning about or the big picture.. the measure of his walk and his entire identity was wrapped up in spiritual gifts..

he missed the mark..

which makes me wonder, if the church as a whole has missed the mark.. if maybe God is wanting us to regain focus.. to put Christ at center and all the blessings and things he has prospered us with or gifted us with where they belong.. not even on the map with who he is and where our focus should be. Gifts don't determine the purity of your walk or your heart.. no more than quoting the word of God.. Satan quoted the word of God to Jesus on the mount as he tempted the Son of God.. and Satanic and occult ritual gives the appearance of healings and miracles that boggle the mind.. the Bible even says the enemy will have such power especially in the last days to deceive ppl..

The key is knowing the whole word of God.. so that when someone quotes it.. you know what has been added and what has been taken away from what God has said.. adding nuiances or leaving things out are both deception.. half truth is still a lie.. embellishment is still a lie.

The healings and miracles that evil performs are usually short lived.. or with a greater injury or devastating consequence that results.

Power.. gifting.. talents.. abilities.. appearances.. all are less than dung.

The giver of life and healing and wholeness.. creator.. sustainer.. protector.. restorer.. of all that is good.. that's what's real and lasting and worthy of praise and covenant.. that's truth.. that's God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit..

Don't be swayed by appearances and power and half truths..
Know the whole word of God...
Know Jesus <3


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Truth Watchers

Perfect clip.. Elf is like those who are watching for Christ's appearing in the clouds to catch away his bride.. his boss demonstrating the attitude of most of the modern day church.. such excitement may seem foolish to those around us, even other believers.. but when you know him and believe him, such truth ignites such excitement, hope, and joy ♥

We are not of this world.. this all dims when we glimpse our Lord and his kingdom

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Only those watching


~ Been reviewing scripture about the Rapture of the Church.. the BLESSED HOPE as God calls it.. at a time when so many are feeling hopeless, even in the church.. it would seem a no brainer to turn our hearts to the blessed hope for encouragement..

not as a form of escapism.. but as assurance and a reminder that none of what is happening in our lives and around us is taking God by surprise.. he has a distinct plan that will culminate in an end to all evil.. just knowing that he is in control and can be trusted brings a great peace and restores our hope.

the darkness is not forever, the hurt is not forever, the evil that seems to always win on the earth is not forever.. God knows our limits, that we are strong enough to bear so much, we are his kids after all... he trusts us to do our part to minister to the family of God, our family.. to increase it, to minister to it, to encourage it during this time of war.

a day is coming when he will return for us.. that day is so close.. we can feel how close the end times are and the emergence of the antichrist and all that is evil in the world.. but we have forgotten that before the antichrist emerges on the scene, Christ is coming for us. He will appear in the sky... in 1/1000th of a second to catch away every believer watching for him.. we will be with him in the heavens and gone from the earth..

not all Christians will go.. according to the word of God.. only those who are watching for that Blessed Hope.. few speak of the Rapture of the church anymore.. which concerns me that few will be watching for his return.. is it any wonder that the church has become so corrupt and full of sin.. we fail to keep ourselves in a state of readiness.. we fail to be watchful.. to let the little things go, in light of the fact that it will all be left behind anyway..

hopelessness has permeated the Church because it no longer believes in the Blessed Hope that is coming.. and soon.
 ~ "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chron 7)

God is speaking about his ppl, believers, Christians.. we need to make this passage personal. The sin and evil in the land isn't a matter of the world and what other ppl are doing.. it's a matter of what's in our heart, what sin are we willfully committing or refusing to clean up in our heart and our lives.. it is OUR wicked ways, sin, that God is addressing.. the church, Christians, you, me..

Only when we stop focusing on the sin of others and begin to clean our own heart and our own house, will God bring healing and wholeness to everything within us and to our land and to our family and to all that he has promised. That healing is not always perfection in the earth.. but it is perfect peace..

and peace with God is healing and wholeness in it's most perfect sense.

 ~ It doesn't mean that we ignore the sin of others.. it means that it is not our focus.. we clean up.. and then God makes us able to bring healing and cleansing to all that he has given us influence and authority over. It puts the will of God for us and for every life ours touches as the focus, the center.. but it begins with us making our own hearts ready to encounter him face to face... who wouldn't sincerely and genuinely clean up for such a meeting with the Almighty God in his holiness, and power, and piercing love?

~ When is the last time that you looked up into a beautiful sky..

not to admire the beauty of nature..

but to search the clouds for the Blessed Hope of his return.
If you're not watching, you're not going.
Sounds harsh, but truth is pretty black and white and often comes acorss as such. You don't have to go.. you get to go.. if you believe and you want to go.

 Ready yourself, and Watch for him <3

 ~  "So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.

Verily I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass, till all these things be done.

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father.

Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.

For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.

Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:

Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.

And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch." Jesus.

(Mark 13)

~ ".. what I say unto you, I say unto all. Watch." Jesus.

That's you and me.. we are part of the all.. we are commanded to watch for his return..

Not always an empty sob story

In my 27 years of being a Christian I have been a member of four churches.. two were full of corruption with abusive leadership and resulted in several splits and a trail of good ppl bloodied and broken.. and yet two were incredible churches with amazing leadership and reflecting Christ in every way... it's a 50/50 risk sad to say from my experience..

the thing is that you have to let ppl decide for themselves how long they need before they are hungry enough to risk being hurt again.. if they truly love God and are calling on him for healing and help, his spirit will lead them to a church family (or several along the way to wholeness) that will love them back to health..

here's the thing.. as the church, when we become defensive because someone is speaking against our family, we add to their hurt and allow Satan to push the wedge deeper between them and the family of God.. but if we truly listen to them with compassion and love them and speak wisdom to them and walk it out beside them, not in judgement or with a condescending aire.. but with a heart of sincerity that recognizes that they are hurting for whatever reason.. we have the opportunity to be Jesus to one of our own, our brother, our sister, our friend... and to love them to wholeness.. and when that love and trust and strength is restored.. it opens the door for us to speak discpline and wisdom one to another.. it opens the door to loving one another as Christ commanded us.. so that our witness is one of power and strength...

in this world of broken homes and loneliness... some ppl just need to know that someone is on their side.. that God is on their side.. so many songs have been written about that need in ppl, in you and in me.. when a person lacks a support system, a family, the world and the sin of some church leaders can really devastate them and rob them of hope.. especially when leadership abuses their authority and ppl are battered, betrayed and spiritually raped by someone they trusted.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


You know how crippled my feet are and how often I fall to the ground,

And yet you help me up each time and continue to trust me to carry so much.
You put precious and fragile things in my hands,
things that belong to you, things that are close to your heart,
and I fall and they scatter on the ground.

But you keep them from breaking
and you dust them off and you hand them back to me,
trusting me each time
as though you don't remember my many stumbles and falls...
as though you don't see my crippled feet...
as though you don't expect me to fall again for the millionth time.

Why would you trust me with so much?
Me, a cripple?
Mangled and twisted feet that struggle along in imperfection
failing to advance by leaps and bounds,
always creeping along,
always searching for strength and balance,
always weak?

Yet you continue to be strong, you continue to trust me, you continue to love me.

How can such love exist in a world that is so full of darkness,
a world that is so unworthy of your presence, so blind to your awesome beauty,
so undeserving of your affection and your contant care?

I don't know.

but it is that love
that guides my feet and my heart to find the strength to get up again.
And it is that love
that makes me able to move forward,
ever so slowly, but always forward.

I will never understand it.
It will continue to amaze me each and every moment,

Without you, I would remain a cripple in the gutter, begging,
at the mercy of a dark and truly evil world.
Alone and hopeless.

but because of your presence,
I have a companion,
a comforting voice that speaks wisdom,
a friend,

a strong arm reaching out to me --
I have someone that trusts me,
that encourages me,
that gives me direction and purpose in this life, in this world,
in my weakness.

Either way,
I am a cripple.
but life is worth living because you see me
as healthy and able and whole.

And as you help me to see myself as you see me,
I am falling less often, though I still fall.
And it is easier to find the strength I need along the way,
because you place it near me, at arm's length,
so I only need to reach for it
to find it.

The world is still dark,
My feet are still twisted,
and I stumble along and fall quite often.

But my heart is full of light
and your hand is always there for me when I'm face down in the dirt.

So I continue to get up and to stand.

I continue to hold tight to all that you have entrusted to me,
and I continue forward in search of more of you,
in search of the things you have made mention of
in our many conversations along the way.

in search of our final destination together
when this dark world will be only a memory that we seldom think of,
and my feet will be as you have always seen them,

never stumbling,

forever strong and perfect.

(from my journal, 2007)

trust him, it's that simple

~ Dave posted this in the am hours today... "This command I entrust to you, Timothy, my son, in accordance with the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith." (1 Timothy 1:18, 19 NASB)

~ Then my pastor preached an incredible msg about trusting God.. "God giving us an Other Side Kind of Faith this morning at BethelCC. Matt 8 Jesus gave the command to go to the other side."

~ Reading back thru Dave's posts and it just occurred to me that he posted in the early am hours of the day.. how that God has entrusted us with stuff.. he trusts us with things important to him.. and then thought of Pastor Lance's msg today how that God wants us to trust him.. that's faith.. trusting God..

It's such a real relationship.. dependent on us trusting one another.. our Savior is a personal savior.. just as Lance said, from the beginning in the garden it wasn't as much a matter of do's and don'ts, or rules about what you can eat or can't eat.. it's a trust issue.. Adam and Eve questioned God, they failed to trust him.. a relationship can't succeed without trust and therefore it was broken..

Christ came to restore that relationship.. he asks us once again, one to one,

"will you trust me?"


such simplicity, such honesty, such love.
when the storms of this life are raging.. are you willing to trust him, even when you don't have the answers and he says he does.. even when you only have the thing he put in your hands at the moment and not the full map.. even when it's hard and it hurts and it's scary...

will you trust him to get you to the other side, one step at a time...
that's the heartbeat of a relationship with him, the God of the universe.
We just have to trust him, and he will make sure things end well..
not just well.. but abundantly well, pressed down and over flowing with goodness and the desires of our heart and his <3