Thursday, April 18, 2013

Just Don't.

~ It's not blind faith.. it's not about following blindly.. the focus is trust.. does it seem wise in the center of your being to trust God. If so, then follow his lead in all things.. whether you agree or disagree, whether you understand or it goes against your understanding.. it's not a matter of being blind.. it's a matter of dying to selfishness, and living for Goodness ♥

~ Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (James 5:20)--Our Mission.

~ It's not guns that breed violence.. it's the refusal of the ppl to demand leaders of character to govern our nation..

Why is it refusal and not failure?.. because it's hard to demand character from your leaders or your children or your soc...iety when you refuse to live by the morality our nation was founded upon.. the morality of God.

You gotta shower up to clean up a nation.. if you don't get clean yourself, you will dirty everything you touch and everything put in your hands.

~ Cleaning up will not be sincere until you stop looking to the reaction of those around you for approval.. until you stop judging those around you for not sharing your passion about it.. and until you stop whining and complaining cuz no one else is doing it sincerely. Cleaning up only happens when it becomes a personal fire in your bones, a one to one in spiritual places that no one can hear but yo...u and God cuz no one else matters.. it's like sex with that one person in your life that you cherish and want to yourself.. God made sex for a reason, to help train the physical creatures we are with parallels within the marriage and the family.

Sounds offensive.. but intimate encounters with God are like spiritual sex with your spiritual spouse... oneness, beauty, joy, passion, tenderness.. think of the songs of Solomon.. why do you think they are in there.. so that we can glimpse intimacy on a higher level then just physical grunting...

yes.. I know.. a topic that makes you blush or that makes you throw your arms up and cry foul.. but if God makes comparisons to menstral cloths in scripture for our understanding.. of course he is gonna make reference to sex in marriage. He designed it.

~ Stop demanding that others meet your level of commitment.. it's the kindness of Christ that leads ppl to repentance according to Scripture.. you set the standards for your life that God calls you to.. and love others, pray for them, live the example before them, and when God begins to convict them of certain things, and the door opens for them to ask and to hear, God will put his words in your to share with them, to encourage them, to challenge them...

But he will not put such words in your mouth, if you have not invited his Spirit to first love that person with a genuine love. When it comes to sharing the Gospel, you gotta demonstrate the power of his love, before you witness the power of his word. Jesus loved first, then he came to show us a better way ♥

~ Whole other ball game when you are dealing with someone who knows God and is already following him.. think of Peter.. of John Mark.. of the pharisee and saducees.. of the disciples.. each time they sinned against ppl in their arrogance and prejudice and demands.. each time they claimed to represent God and failed to do it with loving discipline.. God disciplined them.. lovingly.. but discipline nonetheless.

~ The wisdom of Solomon.. ecclesiates.. a time for everything.. you can't pigeon hole ppl or situations or even commitments... sometimes it is gentleness that is needed and great patience.. sometimes it is action and intervention or even violence.. but always with love, always with the good of the person and the whole in mind as defined by God.

~ Some would say violence is never necessary.. but you show me someone about to do harm to a child or an innocent person.. and I will use force, violence, to disarm them or stop them or protect that victim in any way I am able. As long as there is sin in the world.. there will be a place for violence.

The key is motive.
The why.

no.. don't pigeon hole me.. don't even try..
I will absolutely twist ur brain like a purple nurple if you do...

They may call me Bird Dog.. but my other other middle name is
"queen of randomness"
lolol ^_^

a time to talk of holiness..
a time to talk of things that make you laugh til you snort
a time for everthing, there is nothing new under the sun.


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