Tuesday, April 16, 2013

the TEA PARTY COMMUNITY (conservative tyrants)

peanut butter sammich time!

oh, and Good Morning to you Tootie ^_^


I will never eat a peanut butter sandwich now without thinking about being blackballed from The Tea Party Community, that supposed alternative to FB that Fox news endorses... I posted about having a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and a pummello for supper.. and the mods stormed onto my page uninvited and scolded me.. it was pretty bizarre.. interesting how so often ppl become what they fight against. Their claims of liberal cencorship are minor compared to TCP's abuse of power.. craziness..

I called them tyrants for coming onto my page uninvited and scolding me for posting about a peanut butter sandwich in conversation with friends. Some woman mod asked if I was confused about where fb was.. so they blocked me from the site. As farfetched as it sounds.. that's the cut and dry of it.. pretty laughable. But it drove me back to fb, joy joy ^_^


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