The goal of life on this earth is to help those who are dying without Christ to move their heart from unblief to knowing that Jesus Christ, God himself, came to make a way for them to be saved from eternal separation from God. There will come a day when their bodies will die and be separated from everything they know and love on this earth.. but their soul will live on forever either in eternal da...rkness, separated from God, where there is no light, only a burning emptiness full of nothing but suffering and memories of third chances that will never come. Or they will remain in the presence of God, the light of the world, living out an eternal second chance on this earth.. this earth.. cleaned up, set in order, where no evil remains, no tears for God to wipe away.. all that God intended, all that is truly good.. LIFE IN CHRIST.
so.. yeah.. that's the goal.. no matter the cost.. no matter the hell we must walk through to keep others from an eternal hell...
that's what it is to be like Christ.
Not gloating in our holiness or self righteousness. or our giving or sharing or yada yada yada, that has become the trend of "being a Christian".. those are all just part of the job.. the tools... the little things... doing our part to increase the family of God, birthing souls into the kingdom.. walking with Christ and warring in heavenly realms and speaking it forth into all the earth... for the glory of God the Father, proud papa of his children and every new baby added to his family.. yes...
that's what it is to be like Christ.
so.. yeah.. that's the goal.. no matter the cost.. no matter the hell we must walk through to keep others from an eternal hell...
that's what it is to be like Christ.
Not gloating in our holiness or self righteousness. or our giving or sharing or yada yada yada, that has become the trend of "being a Christian".. those are all just part of the job.. the tools... the little things... doing our part to increase the family of God, birthing souls into the kingdom.. walking with Christ and warring in heavenly realms and speaking it forth into all the earth... for the glory of God the Father, proud papa of his children and every new baby added to his family.. yes...
that's what it is to be like Christ.
living out a temporary hell on this earth.. so that others don't have to live out a devil's hell for eternity...
are you?
Sometimes when hell is in our face.. and we glimpse the loneliness that Christ knew on the cross.. we begin to feel sorry for ourselves.. as though now is the time of paradise.. but that time will not come until all has played out on this earth.. evil lives here, invited and welcomed by every person who sins.. yeah it sucks.. but such is life on this earth.. we're only here still, cuz we got a job... to do.. someone worked so that we could be free in Christ.. now we get to play in the game..
Hell is in your face.. it's hard.. no one will ever understand the pain and difficulty and reality of your struggles except God.. but the good thing is that before you even asked him for help.. before you even hit that wall in your walk.. he was working a plan to comfort you and heal you and equip you and put you back in the battle so you could be as proud of yourself as he is of you.. you're gonna be okay.. this is hard.. but you are not alone.. as much as hell wants you to think you are.. God is with you.. and he promised he would always be there.. and he is not a man that he would lie.
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