~ I love it!.. there is such a call going forth for right leadership.. for leaders of character.. God is positioning ppl to answer the call.. ppl who never dreamed they would lead.. who had no desire to.. but who see the need and have recognized the hand of God positioning them.. who are saying yes to the call even tho it goes against their comfort zones.. so much like Moses, so much like Gideon.. men and women whose imperfections become their strength, because God is so real to them that they choose to obey rather than to cower. It becomes a matter of genuine service, rather than a title of arrogance. God is making it so.
~ There is a trend of defining things.. as words have become so important in these last days. The trend is to either minimize so that there is room to play with truth.. or to extend definitions so that they put ppl in bondage, making them slaves to the will of men or the will of an agenda.. it is nothing new.. Satan used both tactics, he minimized in the desert when tempting Jesus.. and he extended ...things by manipulating the religious crowd and the pharisee and saducees... Scripture says that we are not ignorant of his ways.. we just screw things up so often because we're not PAYING ATTENTION... we're distracted by the cares of this life.. good and bad.. attack and stress and the party.
but there is a line of truth.. where all things have a definite definition, a precise meaning, and a specific purpose. It's like a hammer.. it is definied so clearly.. but it is used for many things. We have entered a time where all things are being redefined. But much of it is merely like the frogs that represent lies in the book of Revelation. They come from the mouths of ppl, the words they speak, the half-truths, the manipulation, the control.. but there is a sword that comes from the mouth of our Lord and our Saviour. that sword is the word of God.. that sword is what cuts and separates truth from lies..
we have entered a time where we must measure all things to the word of God.. no more lazy lukewarm living.. God is about to vomit such hypocrisy out of his church... EVERYTHING in the church, in the family, in community, in the world... will only be rightly discerned as truth or deception, as we measure it to the Bible as the Spirit of God interprets and leads. Be diligent in the reading of the Word of God.. or be decieved. Nothing worth having comes without effort.
~ The church has endured the crushing as the enemy has tromped thru the garden, invited by our laziness and selfishness... the rose petals are crushed.. but after the crushing.. comes the release.. the intense aroma.. the prayers that rise to heaven and call down the presence of the Almighty God.
That aroma is Repentance.
As individuals, as a nation, as his church.
That's the upside of the crushing.. it moves us to pray and to repent.
And as we do..
He will come..
And with power ♥
~ with mercy.. with healing.. and with restoration. Amen.
~ You would think we as the church would have learned the lesson by now.. but we can't look at someone called to minister to the Gentiles and judge them because their ministry and walk differs from those called to minister to the Jews.. there are different segments of society today.. such a myriad.. be careful how you judge.. Christ was called many things by the religious crowd as were the disciples... as are those who are sent to search out the fringe that live in the bushes along the highways and the hedges... search out the heart of God according to his word, by the leading of his spirit.. not according to the letter of the law... yes, there is a place for judgement and discipline, they are a command as well.. but the command is to judge rightly and to dicern rightly and to discipline with love ♥
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