I look back over my childhood and my life and there is so much that is ugly.. but the amazing thing is that it makes the rare and beautiful moments shine so vividly against a backdrop of so much darkness.. and those beautiful moments always involve the ppl in my life that loved me and that I loved... makes me think of Christ.. as does every good and true thing in this world.
When I became a Christian, he literally flashed my life before me.. and I came to realize that every instance where I thought I was alone or I felt like I was alone facing some trauma (which was about every six months).. he was there. Every time someone died or had to leave, every time I suffered abuse at the hands of adults, every surgery and health issue, every time I was hungry or afraid or forgotten or betrayed.. he saw every tear, threw his arms around me taking the bulk of each blow, and he sheilded me so that I could bear it.. and he led me out of it.. and he talked me thru it a little further up and a little further into this journey with him.
We walked thru many fires together and he kept me from being burned without fail.
I used to blog about my life, and got many responses from ppl questioning that so much could happen to one person.. and for the first time, I realized just how massive the presence of God has been in my life.. I don't know why.. I only know that I am humbled by it and in awe of his love for this dirty faced little raggamuffin that no one wanted.. a lost little girl who wandered along this path that he blazed just for me, as he led me home. I wasn't worthy, I wasn't special, I wasn't even aware of it most of the time.. I was simply loved without reason.
And now as a christian, I continue down this path with him.. little has changed in this life.. but I have changed.. there are still valleys I walk thru and times when I feel alone again.. but he is quick to make his presence known and felt.. and that is the grace and power that moves me from strength to strength.. that is the joy that is my strength.. the presence of my God and Friend... with me.
And that is pretty much everyones' story.
Everyone that calls upon the name of Jesus...
And believes.
Yours too, if you want it.
If you wanna walk with him with me <3
To better serve the Christian God.. my God.. in his perfection.. despite my imperfection.. as I occupy until he comes.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Saturday, June 29, 2013
the low places...
~ August 2 1995, unsure if I would live or die, God gave me 2 Chronicles 20:26 about the Valley of Berachah, the Valley of Praise. His promise to me was that the attack I was facing would lead to great spoils.. and that he would teach me to praise even in the valley as he brought great victory.
June 29, 2013, today, wanting to live but wanting to die for a broken heart, God gave me Psalm 84:6 about... the Valley of Baca, the Valley of Weeping. His promise to me was that this attack would lead to a great outpouring of the Spirit of God.. and that he would teach me to praise as he leads me from strength to strength.. once again in the valley.. once again moving forward to good things.
Some ppl get to live their lives on the mountain top.. it would seem that I am called to the Valleys and the low places.. which is just fine with me, as long as my God remains with me.
~ Last Sunday God offered me a deal after I petitioned him about some things..
"Tho you don't have understanding how you will bear the pain,
Trust that the Lord will bring it.
He will reveal the answer, make it bearable, take away the sting,
After you take a stand."
In this message today, so much applied to so many things.. especially when he spoke of standing in that place of barrenness and prais...ing God despite it all..
"the shout of joy before the answer comes..
(praising him) just because he is good..
(praising him) just because he is."
It is just remarkable to me how the things he spoke in that message are so similar, almost word for word to things the Lord and I spoke about in worship just last week.
the place of strength is..
in the valleys of life for some reason..
the valley of praise as well as the valley of weeping.
Also brings to mind what Pastor Paul shared that same Sunday (also teaching on Joy, ironically)..
"There is a connection between ppl that comes only through pain.. acquainted with his sufferings.. causes a person to walk close to Jesus."
~ Sometimes, for some reason known only to God.. we are required to endure a long journey to our healing.. somehow, living with an incurable disease and all the pain associated with it.. leaves a trail of blessing in your life that God multiples in the lives of others.. somehow, walking out your brokenness from strength to strength over a great distance in this life.. allows your sufferings to nurture and empower others along the way.. I don't know how it works.. I don't know why healing is sometimes immediate and sometimes a very long process.. I just know that God is good and is working all things for our good.. the answers will come in his timing.
His grace is sufficient now and forever.
~ It's common knowledge that the best way to learn is by doing.. and the best way to teach is by example.. maybe that is the purpose of the valleys.. so that we are fit to learn from God and equipped to teach others of his love despite the pain we walk thru on this earth...
Are you up for the challenge, the journey?
Alot of ppl say they want that intimacy with Christ, and yet, they refuse to embra...ce the valleys of life, they refuse to share in his sufferings in the earth. He will cover you and provide all that you need to make the journey bearable, but climbing up on that cross and dying to all the world has to offer, dying to ur rights and ur perks so that others might live to know the savior... its the only way.
You don't have to go around looking for it.. trust me, it will come to you.. and when it does you will have a choice to make.. the deal hell offers, or the one God holds out to you with scarred up hands.
The valley can be a beautiful place when you walk it with God,
the blackest ash is transformed in the beauty of his presence
Ppl of God, Adorn Yourselves...
~ Another demon that has plagued the church that God is dealing with is "selfish ambition'... ppl caught up in the power of ministry or church titles that have allowed their motives to slide from service to selfishness.. they lose sight of Christ causing them to lose sight of the heart of God and the will of the Father.. they are so consumed by ambition, selfishly so, that they fail to truly love ppl, they fail to minister with compassion and empathy.. forgetting where God brought them from so that they can no longer relate effectively to ppl..
Not so these days.. God is forcing that thing out of his church in this moment.. because the ppl have called him to come and restore and heal and clean up his church. Our faces are so dirty, our hearts are so unkempt, but the Spirit of God kept drawing us and wooing us.. we are returning to our first love and adorning ourselves with what he says is beautiful <3
~ Prophetic gifting is available to every believer.. not just ones wearing a label.. prophecy is a gift that any and every follower of Christ must be ready to operate in or teach or discern rightly.. it's not just for ppl someone stamped a label on.. if you are in a situation and God speaks a word of prophecy directly to your heart.. you don't have to find someone with a label to confirm it as tho you're not fit.. God entrusted the word to you with purpose and intent.. to hand it to someone else out of fear would be sin... if you know Jesus.. he will press you to prophesy in some way, at some point..
~ seeking wise counsel or pulling in another beleiver for support and prayer cover as you minister under the leading of the Spirit is wisdom if God puts it in your heart.. but don't reject operating in a certain gift if God is asking you to do something in faith.
Not so these days.. God is forcing that thing out of his church in this moment.. because the ppl have called him to come and restore and heal and clean up his church. Our faces are so dirty, our hearts are so unkempt, but the Spirit of God kept drawing us and wooing us.. we are returning to our first love and adorning ourselves with what he says is beautiful <3
~ Prophetic gifting is available to every believer.. not just ones wearing a label.. prophecy is a gift that any and every follower of Christ must be ready to operate in or teach or discern rightly.. it's not just for ppl someone stamped a label on.. if you are in a situation and God speaks a word of prophecy directly to your heart.. you don't have to find someone with a label to confirm it as tho you're not fit.. God entrusted the word to you with purpose and intent.. to hand it to someone else out of fear would be sin... if you know Jesus.. he will press you to prophesy in some way, at some point..
~ seeking wise counsel or pulling in another beleiver for support and prayer cover as you minister under the leading of the Spirit is wisdom if God puts it in your heart.. but don't reject operating in a certain gift if God is asking you to do something in faith.
The scrubbing continues...
~ Such good teaching.. truly turns the focus where it is sposed to be.. on God, on Christ.. that's when true power is released.. when Jesus remains center as we simply do what he did for our example.. love this..
~ Incredible.. love this guy.. love the emphasis on truth and the rebuke of false modesty.. about time someone rebuked false humility.. that demon has been a plague in the church and caused so much confusion and damage... God is cleaning house among his ppl.. powerful!
~ First time I have ever heard this guy teach.. don't know him.. but everything he shares in this message is truth.. and is everything God is speaking to the church in this hour.. cleaning up the error and messy teaching of what the church just came out of.. restoring holiness to the pulpit.. scrubbing it down with the Word of Truth.. inviting Christ to fill it and lead his church again.
hold !!!
~ Have a Great Saturday Morning!
Father, let today be a day of great blessing to everyone reading this, as you bless them and as you use them to be a blessing to others. Thank you for loving us so much, thank you for keeping us in the center of your perfect will, thank you for working so many good things out in our lives as you guide us thru the yuck of this world. We trust you, increase our faith, let all we do and say and every where we go be pleasing to you God. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
~ When heaven is on the move like it is right now.. hell unleashes it's hordes of mosquitos and ticks.. the little annoying, frustrating, uncomfortable things that can latch on and attack without notice.. seeming so small but sometimes can carry death.. what little things are really under your skin right now.. take a breath.. talk to God about it right now where you're standing.. deal with it.. pull that thing out by the head.. or spray your heart down with repellent.. but wake up to what's really happening and don't let hell get its foot in the door to try to steal what God is doing in your life and in the Church as a whole in this moment.
Resist the devil and he will flee.
Father, let today be a day of great blessing to everyone reading this, as you bless them and as you use them to be a blessing to others. Thank you for loving us so much, thank you for keeping us in the center of your perfect will, thank you for working so many good things out in our lives as you guide us thru the yuck of this world. We trust you, increase our faith, let all we do and say and every where we go be pleasing to you God. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
~ When heaven is on the move like it is right now.. hell unleashes it's hordes of mosquitos and ticks.. the little annoying, frustrating, uncomfortable things that can latch on and attack without notice.. seeming so small but sometimes can carry death.. what little things are really under your skin right now.. take a breath.. talk to God about it right now where you're standing.. deal with it.. pull that thing out by the head.. or spray your heart down with repellent.. but wake up to what's really happening and don't let hell get its foot in the door to try to steal what God is doing in your life and in the Church as a whole in this moment.
Resist the devil and he will flee.
~ My daughter just quoted this verse to me yesterday.. and here it is this morning.. hold on to this truth.. this attack is a lame attempt to distract.. it still hurts.. but the effect will be small.. hold on.. you're stronger than you think.. God wants you to practice taking control in the heat of battle.. rise up.. stand firm
"Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever..."
"Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever..."
~ In days of old on the battlefield.. the commanders would yell to hold the line as the enemy threw what they had at them.. in a word..
~ If he fills us with the fire of God.. what will we do.. dance around and play.. or follow the example Christ set of being about the Father's business.. it's not about us.. it's about the will of the Father.. which is to save and minister and love a hurting dying world lost in the darkness.. the fire is to make us a light.. his reflection.. joy and dancing are in the overflow.. but not the focus or the purpose.. we must not lose sight of center ♥
Friday, June 28, 2013
~ Insane day yesterday.. but had an interesting insight..
I know it does happen at times.. but maybe sometimes it's not a matter of racial profiling.. maybe it's a matter of suspect profiling.. when you are wearing the similar dreads and similar clothes to someone who just committed a crime.. and the police are casing the area where it happened, and you just happen to be in that place at that time......
never thought about that before... but if a white man in a red ball cap and black shirt robs a store.. the police are gonna pull over every white man wearing similar stuff..
not that racial profiling doesn't happen.. I have been in a car with a friend and had it happen to him.. and my kids have stories of being with their friends and having such things happen.. but just occurred to me yesterday in the midst of some issues with police, that maybe sometimes it's a matter of similarities with a suspect that's at large..
just found it interesting.
~ It's always a horrible thing to be caught in the middle of something negative, or accused of something you didn't do.. but sometimes maybe it's not a personal attack.. still sux, I know.
~ When I was in college, I rode home with tons of friends late at night.. NEVER got pulled over or had any issues.. until a friend of color was driving one night.. police blue lighted us as we pulled into my dorm parking lot by the Little Red Barn.. my friend was very respectful, had committed no traffic violation, nothing.. the officer asked him what he was doing there, and he told him he was dropp...ing off a friend who lived there. He goes back to his car taking my friends license and taking his time.. finally comes back and lets us go and says to have a nice night..
That was just wrong. There was no issue, no suspect he resembled, no crime committed, nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary.. it was straight up harrassment and the officer was very gruff and arrogant about the whole thing. We were young and pretty intimidated back then.. but as an adult now, I think I would have insisted on a reason why he pulled us over. But who knows, if he was into harassing ppl like that, he might have trumped up some bogus charge if we pressed it. idk.
Still frustrates me to think about it all these years later.
I know some ppl would look at it as tho this cop was just keeping the campus safe.. but I disagree.. you can't violate someone like that, or accuse them of something when there is no just cause. Him keeping the campus safe had nothing to do with putting that kind of yuck on my friend like that. None of my other countless friends dropping me late at night had been pulled over and questioned like that.. just him. Which really kinda sets it up from my perspective as flat out racial profiling. Was a huge lesson for me, that that stuff is real and its right here in our own backyards.
I know it does happen at times.. but maybe sometimes it's not a matter of racial profiling.. maybe it's a matter of suspect profiling.. when you are wearing the similar dreads and similar clothes to someone who just committed a crime.. and the police are casing the area where it happened, and you just happen to be in that place at that time......
never thought about that before... but if a white man in a red ball cap and black shirt robs a store.. the police are gonna pull over every white man wearing similar stuff..
not that racial profiling doesn't happen.. I have been in a car with a friend and had it happen to him.. and my kids have stories of being with their friends and having such things happen.. but just occurred to me yesterday in the midst of some issues with police, that maybe sometimes it's a matter of similarities with a suspect that's at large..
just found it interesting.
~ It's always a horrible thing to be caught in the middle of something negative, or accused of something you didn't do.. but sometimes maybe it's not a personal attack.. still sux, I know.
~ When I was in college, I rode home with tons of friends late at night.. NEVER got pulled over or had any issues.. until a friend of color was driving one night.. police blue lighted us as we pulled into my dorm parking lot by the Little Red Barn.. my friend was very respectful, had committed no traffic violation, nothing.. the officer asked him what he was doing there, and he told him he was dropp...ing off a friend who lived there. He goes back to his car taking my friends license and taking his time.. finally comes back and lets us go and says to have a nice night..
That was just wrong. There was no issue, no suspect he resembled, no crime committed, nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary.. it was straight up harrassment and the officer was very gruff and arrogant about the whole thing. We were young and pretty intimidated back then.. but as an adult now, I think I would have insisted on a reason why he pulled us over. But who knows, if he was into harassing ppl like that, he might have trumped up some bogus charge if we pressed it. idk.
Still frustrates me to think about it all these years later.
I know some ppl would look at it as tho this cop was just keeping the campus safe.. but I disagree.. you can't violate someone like that, or accuse them of something when there is no just cause. Him keeping the campus safe had nothing to do with putting that kind of yuck on my friend like that. None of my other countless friends dropping me late at night had been pulled over and questioned like that.. just him. Which really kinda sets it up from my perspective as flat out racial profiling. Was a huge lesson for me, that that stuff is real and its right here in our own backyards.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Shut up...
~ Have seen it in churches past.. by leadership circles.. critiquing ppl.. referring to them as "their latest projects"... having drifted so far from looking anything like Christ.. quoting trendy things they have read from some cutting edge guru like "hurting ppl hurt ppl" ... what the crap?
Standing there gossiping among yourselves as you judge and analyze ppl ripped open by life and hell, watchin...g them bleed to death, and making notes to use their pain as you create some new catch phrase to sound holy and wise among your peers and your cronies.. wow.. where is Christ in that?
I just wonder if it ever enters their head to grab a bandage and kneel beside them, to get their hands dirty, unafraid of disease or mess, to hold them or talk them thru the pain or sit in silence and let your presence be a comfort to know that they won't be going thru the healing process alone.. how about not trying so hard to sound like Jesus, and actually be his hands and feet and voice?
seems to me that some church ppl calling themselves followers of Christ aren't truly Christian or Christ-like at all, they are merely pharisee following the crowd that follows Jesus so they can appear in-the-know. Some of the things we think up that seem so holy and thought provolking are merely our own arrogance, open doors for hell to twist the knife. We need to THINK through some of the trendy crap we adopt, and if it doesn't help ppl know the love of God in real and practical ways.. we need to shut up <3
~ "So many want the title without the work, it breaks my heart to see people who are desperately needing help but because its dirty work and its not pretty to look at or easy to work with they get abandoned for the "face child'' project or those who clean up easy and doesn't take time or commitment and true dedication. People want an over night project that can be fixed with out a follow up and it makes me so frustrated to see all the hard cases being thrown out or ignored." (college age friend)
~ That's the heart of Christ.. that NONE should be forgotten or abandoned or left for dead.. can you imagine his frustration when this happens today.. think about all the times he went off on the disciples for failing to minister to all.. and with their whole heart.. I can't imagine how it breaks the heart of God when ppl do such things in his name.. claiming to be representing him and then looking nothing like him.. God help us.. we need him in our personal lives and in the church like never before.
~ Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me." (Matt 17)
~ "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?" (John 14)
~ "Amen. Jesus went after the murders, tax collectors, prostitutes, the demon possessed. He went after them even though they were considered outcasts or "worthy of being stoned", he never shied away from the rough crowed." (same friend)
~ We all miss it at times.. but again.. it's not how we appear that will determine the end result.. it's who we are on a deeper level, our heart.. God's grace can clean away our sin and error, he just needs us to have a right heart and to seek him.. so restoration and healing and blessing will be the end result <3
~ Think about the aftermath on scene of 9-11.. shock hit and when ppl got the feeling back enough to react.. their true character emerged.. heros and those who were not.. ppl concerned for ppl, others for an opportunity to loot and rob..
If you're gonna follow someone, you better be watching their character.. not listening to the eloquent things they say so much.. rather watch how they treat ppl..... cuz in a crisis moment.. when the schrapnel is flying.. ppl are gonna react according to reflex, appearances will burn up like ash.. and the depth of their character is the person who will be standing in front of you.
War is coming, spiritual war.. and things will manifest in the phyical.. Jesus had his inner circle of three, his outer circle of 12, and hundreds more disciples who followed them around. None were perfect, all had sin, most did something unthinkable at some point.. but Christ looked on their heart rather than their reputaion or eloquent appearance.. he knew that when hell attacked in all fury, when things got crazy, it was the heart that would determine the reaction of the person in the end.
~ "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?"
(Romans 6)
~ Timing is everything..
Things done according to God's timing and plan are right and good and will result in healing and love and wholeness.
The same things done outside of the timing of God and his plan are sin and evil and will result in death and pain and destruction.
~ In scripture there are instances where wine is good, others were it is negative.. ppl trying to discredit the Bible label such things as contradiction.. but they are not.. the timing and circumstance in each instance changes everything. Yes, some things are always sin.. but sometimes motive and circumstance determine whether some act or action is good or evil.
~ And often times we cannot tell if the appearance of the matter is accruate or not, and in those moments, we must rely on the Spirit of God to lead us in deciding what the heart of the person truly intends. Whatever the outcome, that's the best we can do. Knowing that God will cover every aspect of the result if our own heart is sincere and contrite in the matter.
Standing there gossiping among yourselves as you judge and analyze ppl ripped open by life and hell, watchin...g them bleed to death, and making notes to use their pain as you create some new catch phrase to sound holy and wise among your peers and your cronies.. wow.. where is Christ in that?
I just wonder if it ever enters their head to grab a bandage and kneel beside them, to get their hands dirty, unafraid of disease or mess, to hold them or talk them thru the pain or sit in silence and let your presence be a comfort to know that they won't be going thru the healing process alone.. how about not trying so hard to sound like Jesus, and actually be his hands and feet and voice?
seems to me that some church ppl calling themselves followers of Christ aren't truly Christian or Christ-like at all, they are merely pharisee following the crowd that follows Jesus so they can appear in-the-know. Some of the things we think up that seem so holy and thought provolking are merely our own arrogance, open doors for hell to twist the knife. We need to THINK through some of the trendy crap we adopt, and if it doesn't help ppl know the love of God in real and practical ways.. we need to shut up <3
~ "So many want the title without the work, it breaks my heart to see people who are desperately needing help but because its dirty work and its not pretty to look at or easy to work with they get abandoned for the "face child'' project or those who clean up easy and doesn't take time or commitment and true dedication. People want an over night project that can be fixed with out a follow up and it makes me so frustrated to see all the hard cases being thrown out or ignored." (college age friend)
~ That's the heart of Christ.. that NONE should be forgotten or abandoned or left for dead.. can you imagine his frustration when this happens today.. think about all the times he went off on the disciples for failing to minister to all.. and with their whole heart.. I can't imagine how it breaks the heart of God when ppl do such things in his name.. claiming to be representing him and then looking nothing like him.. God help us.. we need him in our personal lives and in the church like never before.
~ Then Jesus answered and said, O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? how long shall I suffer you? bring him hither to me." (Matt 17)
~ "Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?" (John 14)
~ "Amen. Jesus went after the murders, tax collectors, prostitutes, the demon possessed. He went after them even though they were considered outcasts or "worthy of being stoned", he never shied away from the rough crowed." (same friend)
~ We all miss it at times.. but again.. it's not how we appear that will determine the end result.. it's who we are on a deeper level, our heart.. God's grace can clean away our sin and error, he just needs us to have a right heart and to seek him.. so restoration and healing and blessing will be the end result <3
~ Think about the aftermath on scene of 9-11.. shock hit and when ppl got the feeling back enough to react.. their true character emerged.. heros and those who were not.. ppl concerned for ppl, others for an opportunity to loot and rob..
If you're gonna follow someone, you better be watching their character.. not listening to the eloquent things they say so much.. rather watch how they treat ppl..... cuz in a crisis moment.. when the schrapnel is flying.. ppl are gonna react according to reflex, appearances will burn up like ash.. and the depth of their character is the person who will be standing in front of you.
War is coming, spiritual war.. and things will manifest in the phyical.. Jesus had his inner circle of three, his outer circle of 12, and hundreds more disciples who followed them around. None were perfect, all had sin, most did something unthinkable at some point.. but Christ looked on their heart rather than their reputaion or eloquent appearance.. he knew that when hell attacked in all fury, when things got crazy, it was the heart that would determine the reaction of the person in the end.
~ "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin that grace may abound? By no means! How can we who died to sin still live in it?"
(Romans 6)
~ Timing is everything..
Things done according to God's timing and plan are right and good and will result in healing and love and wholeness.
The same things done outside of the timing of God and his plan are sin and evil and will result in death and pain and destruction.
~ In scripture there are instances where wine is good, others were it is negative.. ppl trying to discredit the Bible label such things as contradiction.. but they are not.. the timing and circumstance in each instance changes everything. Yes, some things are always sin.. but sometimes motive and circumstance determine whether some act or action is good or evil.
~ And often times we cannot tell if the appearance of the matter is accruate or not, and in those moments, we must rely on the Spirit of God to lead us in deciding what the heart of the person truly intends. Whatever the outcome, that's the best we can do. Knowing that God will cover every aspect of the result if our own heart is sincere and contrite in the matter.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
a residue of shame
~ “If a man divorces his wife
and she goes from him
and becomes another man's wife,
will he return to her?
Would not that land be greatly polluted?
You have played the whore with many lovers;
and would you return to me?
declares the LORD....
You have polluted the land
with your vile whoredom.
Therefore the showers have been withheld,
and the spring rain has not come;
yet you have the forehead of a whore;
you refuse to be ashamed.
Have you not just now called to me,
‘My father, you are the friend of my youth—
will he be angry forever…”
“‘Return, faithless Israel,
declares the LORD.
I will not look on you in anger,
for I am merciful,
declares the LORD;
I will not be angry forever.
Only acknowledge your guilt…
A voice on the bare heights is heard,
the weeping and pleading of Israel's sons
because they have perverted their way;
they have forgotten the LORD their God.
“Return, O faithless sons;
I will heal your faithlessness…”
“But from our youth the shameful thing has devoured all for which our fathers labored, their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters. Let us lie down in our shame, and let our dishonor cover us. For we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even to this day, and we have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God...”
(Jeremiah 3)
~“Return, O faithless sons;
I will heal your faithlessness…”
and she goes from him
and becomes another man's wife,
will he return to her?
Would not that land be greatly polluted?
You have played the whore with many lovers;
and would you return to me?
declares the LORD....
You have polluted the land
with your vile whoredom.
Therefore the showers have been withheld,
and the spring rain has not come;
yet you have the forehead of a whore;
you refuse to be ashamed.
Have you not just now called to me,
‘My father, you are the friend of my youth—
will he be angry forever…”
“‘Return, faithless Israel,
declares the LORD.
I will not look on you in anger,
for I am merciful,
declares the LORD;
I will not be angry forever.
Only acknowledge your guilt…
A voice on the bare heights is heard,
the weeping and pleading of Israel's sons
because they have perverted their way;
they have forgotten the LORD their God.
“Return, O faithless sons;
I will heal your faithlessness…”
“But from our youth the shameful thing has devoured all for which our fathers labored, their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters. Let us lie down in our shame, and let our dishonor cover us. For we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even to this day, and we have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God...”
(Jeremiah 3)
~“Return, O faithless sons;
I will heal your faithlessness…”
~ True repentance manifests a residue of shame...
but Christ washes that shame away, just as he knelt and washed the feet of the disciples (even Judas, as well as Peter).. with all humility and gentleness..
demanding forgiveness while refusing to be ashamed for hurting the heart of God and other ppl.. is not true repentance... it is surface repentance, ritual repentance, short-lived repentance.. true repentance involves being truly undone and ashamed.. it changes you, takes your heart to deaths door for the pain you feel for the wrongs you commited..
true repentance will always be met by a loving father who is unafraid to kneel beside us and to put his arm around us and love us, cry with us, stand us up, wipe our tears, put a robe around us and his ring on our finger.. he takes our shame upon himself, throws it on the ground, squashes it with is foot and has us to do the same.
And it is forgotten.. nailed to a cross... as defeated.. a victory won.
Our savior committed no sin, but he is acquainted with shame.
He is acquainted with our sorrows.
And he frees us from that sin and shame and guilt.
but Christ washes that shame away, just as he knelt and washed the feet of the disciples (even Judas, as well as Peter).. with all humility and gentleness..
demanding forgiveness while refusing to be ashamed for hurting the heart of God and other ppl.. is not true repentance... it is surface repentance, ritual repentance, short-lived repentance.. true repentance involves being truly undone and ashamed.. it changes you, takes your heart to deaths door for the pain you feel for the wrongs you commited..
true repentance will always be met by a loving father who is unafraid to kneel beside us and to put his arm around us and love us, cry with us, stand us up, wipe our tears, put a robe around us and his ring on our finger.. he takes our shame upon himself, throws it on the ground, squashes it with is foot and has us to do the same.
And it is forgotten.. nailed to a cross... as defeated.. a victory won.
Our savior committed no sin, but he is acquainted with shame.
He is acquainted with our sorrows.
And he frees us from that sin and shame and guilt.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
The voice is a lie.. the voice.. is.. a lie.
~ You know that voice that keeps biligerently whispering, sometimes screaming in your face.. you've come too far.. look how distant you are from the path.. there's no going back now.. the shame, the disappointment you've caused, the judgemental eyes of the ppl that know you, that watched you wander and fall and lose your way..
That voice is a liar..
I don't even know what he's saying to you..
But... I know that if he is discouraging you from whpping out that machete and hacking your way back to the path.. he doesn't really love you.
Go ahead.. hack away.
God put that machete in your belt to begin with.
He made a way for you to get back home, to ppl that really love you.
It's not like he was ever not by your side.
He was with you the whole time anyway.
Just change directions with him.
Come on back <3
~ I have found it amazing that when you are robbed of things in this life that are precious to your heart.. the freedom from fear that floods your life...
when you are helpless, and completely at the mercy of your enemies, abandoned by all.. you come face to face with your fears and a beautiful thing happens.. Jesus makes himself known like never before. And his mercy trumps every attack of hell.
that's why they call him Savior..
it's not who he was.. it's who he is.
~ savior.. it's not who he was.. it's who he is.
That voice is a liar..
I don't even know what he's saying to you..
But... I know that if he is discouraging you from whpping out that machete and hacking your way back to the path.. he doesn't really love you.
Go ahead.. hack away.
God put that machete in your belt to begin with.
He made a way for you to get back home, to ppl that really love you.
It's not like he was ever not by your side.
He was with you the whole time anyway.
Just change directions with him.
Come on back <3
~ I have found it amazing that when you are robbed of things in this life that are precious to your heart.. the freedom from fear that floods your life...
when you are helpless, and completely at the mercy of your enemies, abandoned by all.. you come face to face with your fears and a beautiful thing happens.. Jesus makes himself known like never before. And his mercy trumps every attack of hell.
that's why they call him Savior..
it's not who he was.. it's who he is.
~ savior.. it's not who he was.. it's who he is.
Intimate Kisses
~ God doesn't put weights around my neck.. he broke them off.. ppl love to hang such things on us.. I used to think I had to carry them, that I had no right to take them off.. but Jesus said I could take them off any time I want to.. he said so.
~ I know freedom and peace with God.. it is my greatest treasure and what I will value with all that is within me.. I want others to know that good thing..
It is the yuck of ppl.. especially pharisee.. that I struggle with.. that thing really hates me.. and I have no love for it.. it is Christ and Christ alone who helps me in that struggle and provides that freedom and peace that I cannot find within myself in such matters..
I love him..
I need him..
Jesus <3
~ The key would seem more that we need to discipline ourselves to react quickly.. without hesitation, without delay, without discussion or weighing options..
when God says yes or no, do or don't..
if we make up our minds to obey when he speaks as a reflex response, as the right way without even having to think about it.. without hesistation, without delay, without discussion or needing to weigh options.. we would remain in his perfect will.
because he speaks to us.. about everything.. all the time..
his spirit leads us, tugging at our spirit and our conscience..
his word is brought to our remembrance in a flash of a thought..
it is more about listening and obeying..
rather than memorizing the law and trying to breathe life into something that God says is dead stone..
Jesus is alive.. and walking right beside us..
we need only to listen and to quickly obey.
~ That dead stone is not the word of God, the Bible.. it is the law of an old covenant.. it is for our example and understanding to appreciate the new covenant..
The word of God is alive.. very different from the dead stone of what Christ has put behind us.. in our past.. it breathes everytime it is spoken or given or received or read.. it remains in the mouth of the Spirit of God and should always remain in our mouths and our hearts and our lives.
I have a great love and respect for it.. because it was given from the lips of the Bridegroom to the lips of his Bride.. like the most loving and intimate kiss.
~ My heart is not to hound ppl into submission to a form of godliness while their heart is smothered by the weight..
My heart is to help them to know this Jesus.. this incredible man who turns no one away who truly wants to live an honest, good, and exciting life. This God who created all things including each of us, who loves us as children, as a Bridegroom.
I want ppl to love him like he loves us.
~ I have a great love and respect for the Word of God.. because it was given from the lips of the Bridegroom to the lips of his Bride.. like the most loving and intimate kiss.
Father, we love you.. help us to love one another as you love us, so that others will see and believe that God is love. Flood our lives with your kindness when we need to be drawn to repentance.. Put your shepherds crook acro...ss our backside when we need to be disciplined and rescued from sin and distraction.. Have your way in every area of our lives, keep us from turning to the right or to the left, so that we don't lose focus or take our eyes off of you an the task at hand.. pleasing the Father.
~ There is no excuse for sin.. freedom does not justify rebellion against what God calls good.. but the focus is loving God and loving ppl.. in that the law will be fulfilled. Things will fall in place, the other commands will be obeyed.. if we could master those two things <3
~ I know freedom and peace with God.. it is my greatest treasure and what I will value with all that is within me.. I want others to know that good thing..
It is the yuck of ppl.. especially pharisee.. that I struggle with.. that thing really hates me.. and I have no love for it.. it is Christ and Christ alone who helps me in that struggle and provides that freedom and peace that I cannot find within myself in such matters..
I love him..
I need him..
Jesus <3
~ The key would seem more that we need to discipline ourselves to react quickly.. without hesitation, without delay, without discussion or weighing options..
when God says yes or no, do or don't..
if we make up our minds to obey when he speaks as a reflex response, as the right way without even having to think about it.. without hesistation, without delay, without discussion or needing to weigh options.. we would remain in his perfect will.
because he speaks to us.. about everything.. all the time..
his spirit leads us, tugging at our spirit and our conscience..
his word is brought to our remembrance in a flash of a thought..
it is more about listening and obeying..
rather than memorizing the law and trying to breathe life into something that God says is dead stone..
Jesus is alive.. and walking right beside us..
we need only to listen and to quickly obey.
~ That dead stone is not the word of God, the Bible.. it is the law of an old covenant.. it is for our example and understanding to appreciate the new covenant..
The word of God is alive.. very different from the dead stone of what Christ has put behind us.. in our past.. it breathes everytime it is spoken or given or received or read.. it remains in the mouth of the Spirit of God and should always remain in our mouths and our hearts and our lives.
I have a great love and respect for it.. because it was given from the lips of the Bridegroom to the lips of his Bride.. like the most loving and intimate kiss.
~ My heart is not to hound ppl into submission to a form of godliness while their heart is smothered by the weight..
My heart is to help them to know this Jesus.. this incredible man who turns no one away who truly wants to live an honest, good, and exciting life. This God who created all things including each of us, who loves us as children, as a Bridegroom.
I want ppl to love him like he loves us.
~ I have a great love and respect for the Word of God.. because it was given from the lips of the Bridegroom to the lips of his Bride.. like the most loving and intimate kiss.
Father, we love you.. help us to love one another as you love us, so that others will see and believe that God is love. Flood our lives with your kindness when we need to be drawn to repentance.. Put your shepherds crook acro...ss our backside when we need to be disciplined and rescued from sin and distraction.. Have your way in every area of our lives, keep us from turning to the right or to the left, so that we don't lose focus or take our eyes off of you an the task at hand.. pleasing the Father.
Help all those reading this to feel your hand upon their shoulder, right now, in this moment.. so that they would know that you are on their side and will be their strength and their joy. Make us winners, despite our failures. Fill our lives with beauty, despite the ugliness of the ashes we have known.
Cause us to be a blessed ppl, and to be a blessing to others in your name.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
~ There is no excuse for sin.. freedom does not justify rebellion against what God calls good.. but the focus is loving God and loving ppl.. in that the law will be fulfilled. Things will fall in place, the other commands will be obeyed.. if we could master those two things <3
Monday, June 24, 2013
The Dull-drums
~ Last week, felt like God put it in my heart that Bethel is about to explode.. that the Spirit of God is going to draw ppl like never before.. felt like he said it again today.. and so I claimed it.. and a picture appeared in my thoughts of the rays of the morning shining a bright light, and they fell upon those who have been outside of fellowship with the Church for whatever reason.. and they saw the Church in a new light as the Spirit of God was drawing them to return. I claimed every one in the name of Jesus.. I claimed every seed planted in hearts and lives.. and I spoke life to come forth in the name of Jesus. Something beautiful is about to happen in the Church world.. where the enemy has scattered the flock, God is calling them to return... and so they will.. and are.. and they are wiser and stronger and full of power as God brings healing and restoration and life to things that were dead and thought lost.. things believed to be wasted and stolen and destroyed.. miracles are about to be witnessed.. and the equipping and aligning of the Church is manifesting.
God has not forgotten you..
Or the promises he made to you..
Or the future he has planned for your children and your loved ones...
It starts now and has started.
~ "When we know God's heart, we will never question his will."
~ Made a deal with God yesterday.. lol.. He offered during worship, and I accepted.. we both laughed, we were both very serious.
~ So much activity yesterday in the spiritual during worship and service yesterday.. God was visiting his church as one, but very active in visiting ppl one to one. It had the feel of registration at the start of school/college.. information exchanged and contracts being signed and excitement over much change and growth and adventure.. future relationships, new mentors, open doors to advancement.. incredible day!
~ oh.. and tuition fees were already paid.. by the blood and thru the storms that have recently passed... more are coming, but there is a unity.. you will not walk it alone this time.
~ Providence.. it just keeps coming up from unrelated voices.. one of which is the leadership of Bethel on all levels.. “Providence is about Sovereignty, which is about absolute authority”.. (from Paul Barker).
you guessed it.. THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST.. I wish I had recorded the date when our worship leader declared it in that service for Christ to come and lead his Church again.. there was a shaking in the spiritual that night. The ppl of God were in one mind and one accord, and God had led us there as a body.. and we were in agreement with that declaration in that moment as a whole, and in our personal relationships with Christ. It ignited something on the other side of the veil.. and it is breaking thru as God reveals it in the natural.
So incredible to watch.. it's like standing on a hillside beneath an incredible sky and watching the arrival of the messenger and warrior angels as they gather and search out those who they have been assigned to on the battle field.. they are taking their place, as the ppl of God are walking by the tables of armor and weaponry and choosing the things that the Spirit of God leads them to choose.. an equipping.. for battle.. in heavenly places.. against spiritual opposition.. the war camp has been set up.. now the equipping and organizing of the armies is taking place.. one by one being fitted rightly.. training under their belts.. it’s time to get serious.
~ that same registration atmosphere..
~ This is the point the church so often gets off track.. when that burr is placed under the saddles of horses in the stall.. so that when the battle gets heated things will go awry.. the excitement and anticipation of the anointing and presence of God often causes us to lose focus of the task.. our adernaline causes our hearing to be dull.. we cannot let that happen again.
An attack is coming.. it is going to be huge.. it is going to involve the spiritual and the natural.. the enemy is planting his burrs now in key places.. we must be looking to God to keep our feet on the ground and our minds clear..
That comes only from the continual study of the Word and prayer.. which is only fully accomplished as we join as a three strand cord: God, Others, and Self. Get self discipline now. Get self control now. The enemies futile attempts to throw wrenches into the plan are coming, but the chaos and hindrance he has planned will fail, if we keep our focus on God and discipline ourselves to always be listening and watching for the leading of his Spirit. Exciting times continue in this hour of the Church.
~ I'm not after future leaders.. I'm after the forgotten, the unimportant, the insignifigant, the ignored and neglected.. the random, the quirky, the outsider and loner.. that's the walk I walked and continue in.. that's who I relate to.. I love ppl.. but I relate those lost in the fray.
~ It just makes me think of something that happened yesterday while we were fishing.. We saw a bobber in the water, drifting randomly.. My husband saw it begin to really move around, so he threw his line out and snagged the bobber and reeled it in.. there was a nice size bass still attached to it, he was just barely too small to keep..
What a picture of so many in the church right now.. they are hooked, floating and drifting as the world and the church watches on, kinda stuck in that place of life and yet lacking true freedom and connection to really be pulled into the boat or back on land.. but God has sent the ppl of God to bring in the catch that others weren't strong enough or effectively equipped to bring to shore.. the connection broke.. just wasn't strong enough.. and so ppl are adrift knowing Christ and yet in a miserable state...
God as a plan.
God has not forgotten.
God is calling the laborers to look deeper than the bobber on the surface.
~ God will use everything in your life to speak to you.. the question is whether or not you will hear him when he has something to say.. will you believe and claim it and act on it as his Spirit leads you?
Hearing God is a gift.. it's a privilege, it's relationship that Christ made possible to all of us. It is not just for the gifted (special ppl)... You can hear God. Ask him to speak to you.
God has not forgotten you..
Or the promises he made to you..
Or the future he has planned for your children and your loved ones...
It starts now and has started.
~ "When we know God's heart, we will never question his will."
~ Made a deal with God yesterday.. lol.. He offered during worship, and I accepted.. we both laughed, we were both very serious.
~ So much activity yesterday in the spiritual during worship and service yesterday.. God was visiting his church as one, but very active in visiting ppl one to one. It had the feel of registration at the start of school/college.. information exchanged and contracts being signed and excitement over much change and growth and adventure.. future relationships, new mentors, open doors to advancement.. incredible day!
~ oh.. and tuition fees were already paid.. by the blood and thru the storms that have recently passed... more are coming, but there is a unity.. you will not walk it alone this time.
~ Providence.. it just keeps coming up from unrelated voices.. one of which is the leadership of Bethel on all levels.. “Providence is about Sovereignty, which is about absolute authority”.. (from Paul Barker).
you guessed it.. THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST.. I wish I had recorded the date when our worship leader declared it in that service for Christ to come and lead his Church again.. there was a shaking in the spiritual that night. The ppl of God were in one mind and one accord, and God had led us there as a body.. and we were in agreement with that declaration in that moment as a whole, and in our personal relationships with Christ. It ignited something on the other side of the veil.. and it is breaking thru as God reveals it in the natural.
So incredible to watch.. it's like standing on a hillside beneath an incredible sky and watching the arrival of the messenger and warrior angels as they gather and search out those who they have been assigned to on the battle field.. they are taking their place, as the ppl of God are walking by the tables of armor and weaponry and choosing the things that the Spirit of God leads them to choose.. an equipping.. for battle.. in heavenly places.. against spiritual opposition.. the war camp has been set up.. now the equipping and organizing of the armies is taking place.. one by one being fitted rightly.. training under their belts.. it’s time to get serious.
~ that same registration atmosphere..
~ This is the point the church so often gets off track.. when that burr is placed under the saddles of horses in the stall.. so that when the battle gets heated things will go awry.. the excitement and anticipation of the anointing and presence of God often causes us to lose focus of the task.. our adernaline causes our hearing to be dull.. we cannot let that happen again.
An attack is coming.. it is going to be huge.. it is going to involve the spiritual and the natural.. the enemy is planting his burrs now in key places.. we must be looking to God to keep our feet on the ground and our minds clear..
That comes only from the continual study of the Word and prayer.. which is only fully accomplished as we join as a three strand cord: God, Others, and Self. Get self discipline now. Get self control now. The enemies futile attempts to throw wrenches into the plan are coming, but the chaos and hindrance he has planned will fail, if we keep our focus on God and discipline ourselves to always be listening and watching for the leading of his Spirit. Exciting times continue in this hour of the Church.
~ I'm not after future leaders.. I'm after the forgotten, the unimportant, the insignifigant, the ignored and neglected.. the random, the quirky, the outsider and loner.. that's the walk I walked and continue in.. that's who I relate to.. I love ppl.. but I relate those lost in the fray.
~ There are others after the future leaders.. just not who God has called and sent me to.. my heart is to help those God has wired me to relate to to realize that God has set a place for them at the table with leaders and all those they feel have passed them by in life.. because God has elevated them way beyond where they see themselves... God sees you as someone designed for greatness in that thing that is your heartbeat, cuz he designed you.. and fashioned your passion for it in the center of your being.. all you have to do is to believe him and trust him as Savior, Lord and Friend.
~ It just makes me think of something that happened yesterday while we were fishing.. We saw a bobber in the water, drifting randomly.. My husband saw it begin to really move around, so he threw his line out and snagged the bobber and reeled it in.. there was a nice size bass still attached to it, he was just barely too small to keep..
What a picture of so many in the church right now.. they are hooked, floating and drifting as the world and the church watches on, kinda stuck in that place of life and yet lacking true freedom and connection to really be pulled into the boat or back on land.. but God has sent the ppl of God to bring in the catch that others weren't strong enough or effectively equipped to bring to shore.. the connection broke.. just wasn't strong enough.. and so ppl are adrift knowing Christ and yet in a miserable state...
God as a plan.
God has not forgotten.
God is calling the laborers to look deeper than the bobber on the surface.
~ God will use everything in your life to speak to you.. the question is whether or not you will hear him when he has something to say.. will you believe and claim it and act on it as his Spirit leads you?
Hearing God is a gift.. it's a privilege, it's relationship that Christ made possible to all of us. It is not just for the gifted (special ppl)... You can hear God. Ask him to speak to you.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
~ Revelation this morning..
When key ppl in your life always put you last.. know that God says he will put you first. Your love and perseverance tho walked upon in this life, will be rewarded by God... and you will know the truth of that song that says that it will be worth it, when all is said and done. Be strong and full of courage, you are not as alone as it feels. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Truly brings this passage out and ties it to this life..
"I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up
and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me.
O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;
you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.
Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints,
and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment,
and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning."
(Psalm 30)
~ Sometimes that sin that comes in the night is not your own.. sometimes it belongs to someone that you love or that God has placed in your life.. but you are required to bear it, tied to it in this life, having to breathe it daily, to lie in it tho it repulses you.. all the while, holding on to Christ, and trusting him to pull you out as one.
So often we see "dying daily" as how holy I can be.. how much Scripture can I quote, how eccentric can I make my diet by what I eat or don't eat.. how much can I scrape from my appearance or weight it down with ritual so ppl will identify me as holy and religious and humble... how much we can deny our flesh outwardly..
but when we look at the example that Jesus set of dying daily, we can see that it is such a deeper work, it is more about the dying of our spirit man.. inwardly... It is a work that puts others in the spotlight rather than ourselves, it is dying to our wants (and often needs) so that they might live in Christ.. receiving no affirmation in the process, rather, a pillow put over your face, quietly smothering the life out of you with no notice... daily.. could you do it.. could you die like that.. every day?...
Willing to be last despite the pain and loneliness of never having them love you back.. being that thing that elevates others to keep their head above water in hopes that they might live.. as you die to your wants (needs)... That is the example Christ set.. that is the dying daily he did when he was on this earth and that he continues in day and night as he works salvation into the fabric of so many lives...
Yes, he had rights and power to call down a legion of angels at the darkest, most difficult moments.. but he chose to die so that those he loved might live. Can you do it?... lay down your rights, lay down your power and ability to take what is rightfully yours?... do what is right tho those closest to you sin against you.. hurt you... put you last in their life as tho your love has so little value...
Dying daily is so not about the outward appearances and ritual and stripping of ourselves... Dying daily is letting your heart be ripped and twisted and walked on.. all the while, trusting God to not let your death be in vain <3
~ "As for me, I said in my prosperity,
“I shall never be moved.”
By your favor, O Lord,
you made my mountain stand strong;
you hid your face;
I was dismayed.
To you, O Lord, I cry,
and to the Lord I plead for mercy:
“What profit is there in my death,
if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
Will it tell of your faithfulness?
Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!
O Lord, be my helper!”
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
you have loosed my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness,
that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!"
(Psalm 30b)
This psalm is so powerful because you feel the struggle of looking at the life we walk now, crying out to God in the night.. and yet looking ahead to that day that will come.. when the night is behind us and something we have conquered.
~ The truly wonderul thing about it all is that by your dying daily.. you make those you love, who sin against you, to be able to claim Psalm 30 as well... if they choose to..
""I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up
and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me.
O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;
you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit."
When key ppl in your life always put you last.. know that God says he will put you first. Your love and perseverance tho walked upon in this life, will be rewarded by God... and you will know the truth of that song that says that it will be worth it, when all is said and done. Be strong and full of courage, you are not as alone as it feels. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
Truly brings this passage out and ties it to this life..
"I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up
and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me.
O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;
you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit.
Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints,
and give thanks to his holy name.
For his anger is but for a moment,
and his favor is for a lifetime.
Weeping may tarry for the night,
but joy comes with the morning."
(Psalm 30)
~ Sometimes that sin that comes in the night is not your own.. sometimes it belongs to someone that you love or that God has placed in your life.. but you are required to bear it, tied to it in this life, having to breathe it daily, to lie in it tho it repulses you.. all the while, holding on to Christ, and trusting him to pull you out as one.
So often we see "dying daily" as how holy I can be.. how much Scripture can I quote, how eccentric can I make my diet by what I eat or don't eat.. how much can I scrape from my appearance or weight it down with ritual so ppl will identify me as holy and religious and humble... how much we can deny our flesh outwardly..
but when we look at the example that Jesus set of dying daily, we can see that it is such a deeper work, it is more about the dying of our spirit man.. inwardly... It is a work that puts others in the spotlight rather than ourselves, it is dying to our wants (and often needs) so that they might live in Christ.. receiving no affirmation in the process, rather, a pillow put over your face, quietly smothering the life out of you with no notice... daily.. could you do it.. could you die like that.. every day?...
Willing to be last despite the pain and loneliness of never having them love you back.. being that thing that elevates others to keep their head above water in hopes that they might live.. as you die to your wants (needs)... That is the example Christ set.. that is the dying daily he did when he was on this earth and that he continues in day and night as he works salvation into the fabric of so many lives...
Yes, he had rights and power to call down a legion of angels at the darkest, most difficult moments.. but he chose to die so that those he loved might live. Can you do it?... lay down your rights, lay down your power and ability to take what is rightfully yours?... do what is right tho those closest to you sin against you.. hurt you... put you last in their life as tho your love has so little value...
Dying daily is so not about the outward appearances and ritual and stripping of ourselves... Dying daily is letting your heart be ripped and twisted and walked on.. all the while, trusting God to not let your death be in vain <3
~ "As for me, I said in my prosperity,
“I shall never be moved.”
By your favor, O Lord,
you made my mountain stand strong;
you hid your face;
I was dismayed.
To you, O Lord, I cry,
and to the Lord I plead for mercy:
“What profit is there in my death,
if I go down to the pit?
Will the dust praise you?
Will it tell of your faithfulness?
Hear, O Lord, and be merciful to me!
O Lord, be my helper!”
You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
you have loosed my sackcloth
and clothed me with gladness,
that my glory may sing your praise and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever!"
(Psalm 30b)
This psalm is so powerful because you feel the struggle of looking at the life we walk now, crying out to God in the night.. and yet looking ahead to that day that will come.. when the night is behind us and something we have conquered.
~ The truly wonderul thing about it all is that by your dying daily.. you make those you love, who sin against you, to be able to claim Psalm 30 as well... if they choose to..
""I will extol you, O Lord, for you have drawn me up
and have not let my foes rejoice over me.
O Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
and you have healed me.
O Lord, you have brought up my soul from Sheol;
you restored me to life from among those who go down to the pit."
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
He answered...
This is also in the cover of my Bible..
I have posted it before, but God has put it in my heart to share today as well. Maybe for someone reading it as well...
Father, speak to your ppl today who may be doubting themselves.. who do not doubt you, but who doubt the measure of their faith to believe just how great your love is for them. Let them know that they are of more value than they realize, t...hat they are the object of your affection just in who they are, your child. Remind them of the many times that they thought they glimpsed the love of God for them, assure them that they heard you right, that it was really you saying to them, 'I love you so much.' Encourage their hearts that their failures and shortcomings have not negated their place in your heart. Tell them how much they have pleased you, how much their life has pleased you. In ways that are real and personal to them. Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I have posted it before, but God has put it in my heart to share today as well. Maybe for someone reading it as well...
Father, speak to your ppl today who may be doubting themselves.. who do not doubt you, but who doubt the measure of their faith to believe just how great your love is for them. Let them know that they are of more value than they realize, t...hat they are the object of your affection just in who they are, your child. Remind them of the many times that they thought they glimpsed the love of God for them, assure them that they heard you right, that it was really you saying to them, 'I love you so much.' Encourage their hearts that their failures and shortcomings have not negated their place in your heart. Tell them how much they have pleased you, how much their life has pleased you. In ways that are real and personal to them. Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
I asked the Lord, "How do I please you Lord?"
He answered...
"Because you were wounded, and you cried out to me and I nourished you back to health...
Because the enemy sought to destroy you, but I sought to give you life (greater life than you could know.. eternal, full of joy, full of forgiveness)...
Because you were stolen and lured from me, and I fought to get you back and I will fight to keep you...
Because you didn't know me and yet you fell in love with me at the sight of me...
Because you desire me and you are zealous that I desire you...
Because you want what is just and right and good and that is my heart."
check pls
Are we as excited about a special night of prayer as we are about a rocking night of worship?.. both are good, both have place.. but we should always be checking to be sure all is in balance, and that our heart is right.
Are we reading and studying Scripture on our own time.. or are we letting someone else do it and then sitting comfortably in service to hear what they learned.. again, both are g...ood, both have place, but are we checking ourselves, are all things in balance in our walk and our personal spiritual growth.
self accountability can't be legislated by leadership..
and ultimately, we will be rewarded or judged not by how well others nurtured our walk.. but how well we kept ourselves in check.
this stuff is personal <3
Are we reading and studying Scripture on our own time.. or are we letting someone else do it and then sitting comfortably in service to hear what they learned.. again, both are g...ood, both have place, but are we checking ourselves, are all things in balance in our walk and our personal spiritual growth.
self accountability can't be legislated by leadership..
and ultimately, we will be rewarded or judged not by how well others nurtured our walk.. but how well we kept ourselves in check.
this stuff is personal <3
Word, Pray, Praise (apply daily)
I keep the Asuza Street Revival prophecies written in the
cover of my Bible, and I check myself from time to time as we approach the end
times. The prophecy given in 1906 was this:
"In the last days just before the return of Christ
(three errors will be prominent in the Church)
1) There will be an over emphasis on power rather than
2) There will be an over emphasis on praise to a God they no
longer pray to.
3) There will be an emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit
rather than the Lordship of Christ."
I immediately thought of recent words the Lord has given
lately.. especially when Pastor Lance emphasized that Jesus is Lord.
I wondered what we could discipline ourselves in to keep us
from such error.. and these three things instantly came to mind.
1) Read the WORD of God, study and devour it.
2) PRAY more.. daily.. fervently.. continually.. about all
3) Make sure that our worship is dominated by PRAISE of our
Lord and Savior and God.
and even more, what practical things can I do to make sure I
am doing these things.
1) Subscribe to a devotional that will send me a passage of
Scripture each morning. Keep a bookmark in my Bible and keep it on hand so that
now and then thru the day when a moment arises, I am continually reading thru
the Bible. Make notes of passages during service and read them again at home
and journal thoughts as well as prayers about them.. Study, hand verses on my
mirror, on the door posts, in my car, in key places around my house or work..
so that I will always be working on memorizing them. Make the WORD OF GOD to
your eyes and ears, like air is to your lungs.
2) When someone posts a hurt on fb or in an email or text..
stop and send them a prayer as your response, along with a personal message to
encourage them.. Post prayers regularly on your fb or blog or whatever.. pray
more.. daily.. fervenly.. continually.. about all things.. no matter where you
are or who might hear you or how crazy ppl might think you.. pray to your
self.. pray out loud.. write prayers.. pray for ppl who know you and ppl who don’t, for Christians and non-Christians
if they will let you when you ask permission.. PRAY… MORE..
3) Search out worship music that lifts up the greatness of
our God.. not just the ones that pet you in your suffering and your battles and
struggles.. yes, those are important and necessary too.. but they keep us at
the center of our worship rather than God and his Greatness.. search out songs
and poetry and artwork and quotes and all you can find that express the
awesomeness and authority of God. Brag on him, love on him, admire him.. thank
him for every huge thing and every little thing, for the beauty of the world
around us.. he is an emotional God, he likes that, he likes to be appreciated
and loved on by his children. Give him credit for who he is and all that he has
selah <3
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