I keep the Asuza Street Revival prophecies written in the
cover of my Bible, and I check myself from time to time as we approach the end
times. The prophecy given in 1906 was this:
"In the last days just before the return of Christ
(three errors will be prominent in the Church)
1) There will be an over emphasis on power rather than
2) There will be an over emphasis on praise to a God they no
longer pray to.
3) There will be an emphasis on the gifts of the Spirit
rather than the Lordship of Christ."
I immediately thought of recent words the Lord has given
lately.. especially when Pastor Lance emphasized that Jesus is Lord.
I wondered what we could discipline ourselves in to keep us
from such error.. and these three things instantly came to mind.
1) Read the WORD of God, study and devour it.
2) PRAY more.. daily.. fervently.. continually.. about all
3) Make sure that our worship is dominated by PRAISE of our
Lord and Savior and God.
and even more, what practical things can I do to make sure I
am doing these things.
1) Subscribe to a devotional that will send me a passage of
Scripture each morning. Keep a bookmark in my Bible and keep it on hand so that
now and then thru the day when a moment arises, I am continually reading thru
the Bible. Make notes of passages during service and read them again at home
and journal thoughts as well as prayers about them.. Study, hand verses on my
mirror, on the door posts, in my car, in key places around my house or work..
so that I will always be working on memorizing them. Make the WORD OF GOD to
your eyes and ears, like air is to your lungs.
2) When someone posts a hurt on fb or in an email or text..
stop and send them a prayer as your response, along with a personal message to
encourage them.. Post prayers regularly on your fb or blog or whatever.. pray
more.. daily.. fervenly.. continually.. about all things.. no matter where you
are or who might hear you or how crazy ppl might think you.. pray to your
self.. pray out loud.. write prayers.. pray for ppl who know you and ppl who don’t, for Christians and non-Christians
if they will let you when you ask permission.. PRAY… MORE..
3) Search out worship music that lifts up the greatness of
our God.. not just the ones that pet you in your suffering and your battles and
struggles.. yes, those are important and necessary too.. but they keep us at
the center of our worship rather than God and his Greatness.. search out songs
and poetry and artwork and quotes and all you can find that express the
awesomeness and authority of God. Brag on him, love on him, admire him.. thank
him for every huge thing and every little thing, for the beauty of the world
around us.. he is an emotional God, he likes that, he likes to be appreciated
and loved on by his children. Give him credit for who he is and all that he has
selah <3
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