~ Insane day yesterday.. but had an interesting insight..
I know it does happen at times.. but maybe sometimes it's not a matter of racial profiling.. maybe it's a matter of suspect profiling.. when you are wearing the similar dreads and similar clothes to someone who just committed a crime.. and the police are casing the area where it happened, and you just happen to be in that place at that time......
never thought about that before... but if a white man in a red ball cap and black shirt robs a store.. the police are gonna pull over every white man wearing similar stuff..
not that racial profiling doesn't happen.. I have been in a car with a friend and had it happen to him.. and my kids have stories of being with their friends and having such things happen.. but just occurred to me yesterday in the midst of some issues with police, that maybe sometimes it's a matter of similarities with a suspect that's at large..
just found it interesting.
~ It's always a horrible thing to be caught in the middle of something negative, or accused of something you didn't do.. but sometimes maybe it's not a personal attack.. still sux, I know.
~ When I was in college, I rode home with tons of friends late at night.. NEVER got pulled over or had any issues.. until a friend of color was driving one night.. police blue lighted us as we pulled into my dorm parking lot by the Little Red Barn.. my friend was very respectful, had committed no traffic violation, nothing.. the officer asked him what he was doing there, and he told him he was dropp...ing off a friend who lived there. He goes back to his car taking my friends license and taking his time.. finally comes back and lets us go and says to have a nice night..
That was just wrong. There was no issue, no suspect he resembled, no crime committed, nothing suspicious or out of the ordinary.. it was straight up harrassment and the officer was very gruff and arrogant about the whole thing. We were young and pretty intimidated back then.. but as an adult now, I think I would have insisted on a reason why he pulled us over. But who knows, if he was into harassing ppl like that, he might have trumped up some bogus charge if we pressed it. idk.
Still frustrates me to think about it all these years later.
I know some ppl would look at it as tho this cop was just keeping the campus safe.. but I disagree.. you can't violate someone like that, or accuse them of something when there is no just cause. Him keeping the campus safe had nothing to do with putting that kind of yuck on my friend like that. None of my other countless friends dropping me late at night had been pulled over and questioned like that.. just him. Which really kinda sets it up from my perspective as flat out racial profiling. Was a huge lesson for me, that that stuff is real and its right here in our own backyards.
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