Saturday, June 29, 2013

Ppl of God, Adorn Yourselves...

~ Another demon that has plagued the church that God is dealing with is "selfish ambition'... ppl caught up in the power of ministry or church titles that have allowed their motives to slide from service to selfishness.. they lose sight of Christ causing them to lose sight of the heart of God and the will of the Father.. they are so consumed by ambition, selfishly so, that they fail to truly love ppl, they fail to minister with compassion and empathy.. forgetting where God brought them from so that they can no longer relate effectively to ppl..

Not so these days.. God is forcing that thing out of his church in this moment.. because the ppl have called him to come and restore and heal and clean up his church. Our faces are so dirty, our hearts are so unkempt, but the Spirit of God kept drawing us and wooing us.. we are returning to our first love and adorning ourselves with what he says is beautiful <3

~ Prophetic gifting is available to every believer.. not just ones wearing a label.. prophecy is a gift that any and every follower of Christ must be ready to operate in or teach or discern rightly.. it's not just for ppl someone stamped a label on.. if you are in a situation and God speaks a word of prophecy directly to your heart.. you don't have to find someone with a label to confirm it as tho you're not fit.. God entrusted the word to you with purpose and intent.. to hand it to someone else out of fear would be sin... if you know Jesus.. he will press you to prophesy in some way, at some point..

~ seeking wise counsel or pulling in another beleiver for support and prayer cover as you minister under the leading of the Spirit is wisdom if God puts it in your heart.. but don't reject operating in a certain gift if God is asking you to do something in faith.


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