Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Intimate Kisses

~ God doesn't put weights around my neck.. he broke them off.. ppl love to hang such things on us.. I used to think I had to carry them, that I had no right to take them off.. but Jesus said I could take them off any time I want to.. he said so.

~ I know freedom and peace with God.. it is my greatest treasure and what I will value with all that is within me.. I want others to know that good thing..

It is the yuck of ppl.. especially pharisee.. that I struggle with.. that thing really hates me.. and I have no love for it.. it is Christ and Christ alone who helps me in that struggle and provides that freedom and peace that I cannot find within myself in such matters..

I love him..
I need him..
Jesus <3

~ The key would seem more that we need to discipline ourselves to react quickly.. without hesitation, without delay, without discussion or weighing options..

when God says yes or no, do or don't..

if we make up our minds to obey when he speaks as a reflex response, as the right way without even having to think about it.. without hesistation, without delay, without discussion or needing to weigh options.. we would remain in his perfect will.

because he speaks to us.. about everything.. all the time..
his spirit leads us, tugging at our spirit and our conscience..
his word is brought to our remembrance in a flash of a thought..

it is more about listening and obeying..
rather than memorizing the law and trying to breathe life into something that God says is dead stone..

Jesus is alive.. and walking right beside us..
we need only to listen and to quickly obey.

~ That dead stone is not the word of God, the Bible.. it is the law of an old covenant.. it is for our example and understanding to appreciate the new covenant..

The word of God is alive.. very different from the dead stone of what Christ has put behind us.. in our past.. it breathes everytime it is spoken or given or received or read.. it remains in the mouth of the Spirit of God and should always remain in our mouths and our hearts and our lives.

I have a great love and respect for it.. because it was given from the lips of the Bridegroom to the lips of his Bride.. like the most loving and intimate kiss.

~ My heart is not to hound ppl into submission to a form of godliness while their heart is smothered by the weight..

My heart is to help them to know this Jesus.. this incredible man who turns no one away who truly wants to live an honest, good, and exciting life. This God who created all things including each of us, who loves us as children, as a Bridegroom.

I want ppl to love him like he loves us.

~ I have a great love and respect for the Word of God.. because it was given from the lips of the Bridegroom to the lips of his Bride.. like the most loving and intimate kiss.

Father, we love you.. help us to love one another as you love us, so that others will see and believe that God is love. Flood our lives with your kindness when we need to be drawn to repentance.. Put your shepherds crook acro...ss our backside when we need to be disciplined and rescued from sin and distraction.. Have your way in every area of our lives, keep us from turning to the right or to the left, so that we don't lose focus or take our eyes off of you an the task at hand.. pleasing the Father.

Help all those reading this to feel your hand upon their shoulder, right now, in this moment.. so that they would know that you are on their side and will be their strength and their joy. Make us winners, despite our failures. Fill our lives with beauty, despite the ugliness of the ashes we have known.
Cause us to be a blessed ppl, and to be a blessing to others in your name.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.

 ~ There is no excuse for sin.. freedom does not justify rebellion against what God calls good.. but the focus is loving God and loving ppl.. in that the law will be fulfilled. Things will fall in place, the other commands will be obeyed.. if we could master those two things <3

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